Douglas Kennedy on Some Unlikely Names on Former U.S. Spy List

This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," August 14, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HEATHER NAUERT, HOST: NAUERT: These are the secrets that the United States has kept for decades. But today, the secrets are out. The government has just authorized the release of the names of thousands of former U.S. spies, and you are sure to recognize some of the names on the long, long list.

FOX's Douglas Kennedy tells us who is on this list. Hey, Douglas.

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Heather. This is a list of some of America's first spies, all helping their country out during the 1930s and '40s. The list includes lawyers, authors and famous actors, and at least one pretty well-known chef.

Video: Watch the Douglas Kennedy package

Julia Child was a whiz at whipping up ingredients, inspiring many Americans in the art of culinary cuisine. But behind the baked bread and French sauces, Child had an undercover world of secret intelligence and spying in the 1930s and '40s.

She worked with records documents and was apparently a very useful person to the OSS. And Child wasn't the only American who acted as an undercover agent during the heady days of World War II. Today, the National Archives released the names of 24,000 Americans who performed patriotic service in covert intelligence for the Office of Strategic Studies or OSS which would later become the Central Intelligence Agency.

They told me the archives is full of interesting stories, that they were never ceased to be amazed at what they found in the records. According to the records, White Sox catcher Moe Berg was a secret spy at one point, as were Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg and historian Arthur Schlessinger who they said wrote intelligence documentation for the OSS and was apparently quite valuable for the work in the organization in Britain.

Also in the files, Thomas Braden, author of "Eight is Enough," the book that inspired the 1970s TV show. We're going to come with a little video of that. Yes, there - that's "Eight is Enough." The guy who wrote that was also a spy.

And actor Sterling Hayden who played in a couple different movies, black and white movies, the delusional warmongering Gen. Ripper in "Dr. Strangelove." He says that it was too important to leave it all to the generals.

And so much interesting stuff here, Heather, really. I mean, 24,000 names, 750,000 pages of documents released. I mean, really an amazing time in American history.

NAUERT: And what an interesting group of people that they had working on behalf of them.

KENNEDY: Regular people, famous people, all doing their part to bring down fascism during World War II.

NAUERT: And they had to keep it secret all these years. And that's wonderful that we finally get to find out who's really behind all of this.

KENNEDY: It's really, really great. Yes.

NAUERT: Interesting story. Douglas Kennedy, thank you so much for bringing that to us tonight.

KENNEDY: Yes. Thank you.

NAUERT: Thanks, everyone, for watching "America's Election Headquarters". I'm Heather Nauert.

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