Don't Try This at Home

And now the most engaging two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Position Progression

More details are trickling out about John Kerry's positions, which have apparently changed greatly since his earliest days in politics. Kerry -- who voted to authorize unilateral action in Iraq if the president deemed it necessary -- said in 1970, during his first congressional campaign, that if it were up to him -- "our troops [would be] dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations."

What's more, Kerry -- who has said the current war on terror is largely an intelligence operation -- said in 1970 that he wanted to -- "almost eliminate CIA activity" altogether. Kerry's presidential campaign, meanwhile, says those are just words from -- "a 26 year old Vietnam veteran angry at the Nixon White House's indifference to" casualties in Vietnam, adding -- "Through twenty years in the ... Senate, John Kerry has stood up for the strongest military on earth."

Don't Try This at Home

Howard Dean dropped in on science students at Longfellow Middle School in La Crosse, Wisconsin, yesterday, and talked with them about liquids.

When one student said he had conducted a class experiment on dog urine, Dean said -- "Now that we're on dog pee, we can have an interesting conversation about that... I do not recommend drinking urine... but if you drink water straight from the river, you have a greater chance of getting an infection than you do if you drink urine."

According to the Washington Post, students then squealed "Eeeeeew."

Dean Campaign in Debt?

Speaking of Dean, remember two weeks ago we told you that his campaign had $963 worth of sandwiches from the Brown Bag Deli in Des Moines delivered to its Iowa headquarters... but never paid up?

Well, the deli's owner, Scott Hoffman, tells Fox that Dean's campaign -- "finally" paid up... but only after Hoffman had his lawyer deal with the matter. Hoffman says his lawyer characterized the Deaniacs as -- "very mad that I went to the media."

Match Made in Heaven?

And for all those who think the Massachusetts Supreme Court's decision backing gay marriage is a bit of a stretch... a 35-year-old French woman has married the love of her life in a ceremony set up on the French Riviera and blessed by French President Jacques Chirac.

Problem is, the man she married -- a former policeman -- has been dead for a year and a half. French law, you see, allows a living person and a dead person to marry, providing it can be proved that the couple planned to marry.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report