Dog Days of Summer

I think I know why lately some of the economic numbers don't look so hot. I think, because it's hot and I think, because it's summer.

I know what you're saying -- this guy is cracked. But hear me out.

I have a point: We spend way too much time focusing on economic numbers and data in the summer time. It's pointless. For one thing, a lot of folks take vacation in the summer. And those who aren't, are thinking about it. In that environment, traditional things aren't happening.

We don't go out and buy as many cars, or -- save some air conditioners in parched areas of the country -- any big-ticket items of any sort.

So, I wouldn't make a big deal of declining productivity numbers. Vacation time alone skews those. And I wouldn't make a big deal of falling clothing sales. This time of year no one much focuses on wearing any fancy digs.

As one viewer put it to me recently, she sees the camp grounds full, the restaurants really full, and amusement parks really, really full.

Sure, consumer confidence can be hit when markets act crazy, and when summer-goers stop by a television to see just how crazy, they get bummed. But they also get back to the things that are important about now -- being with their families, having fun with their families and focusing on their families.

The world's a tough place. This is the one time of the year we try not to think about it as much. That's not a great thing for the economy, but in the summertime, it's a predictable thing for the economy.

Something economists fret over. But something I don't think real people worry much over. It's summer, after all; the one time of year we try to set other priorities.

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