Docs: Schedule Your Vasectomies During March Madness

A Chicago area urology practice is promoting vasectomies by informing potential patients that if they get the procedure done right before March Madness, that they’ll be able to stay at home for a few days to recover and watch some of the games uninterrupted reports the Southtown Star.

Dr. Robert Bonzani and Dr. Tony Mammen of 21st Century Urology have started an advertising campaign that is promoting just that. Even offering a free pizza and a bag of frozen peas to celebrate and help with swelling after the procedure.

Their Web site says, “Drs. Bonzani and Mammen have decided to partner up with Aurelio’s Pizza and offer a $25 voucher for free pizza if any man wants his vasectomy done during the NCAA basketball tournament, beginning on March 17th and running through the finals. It’s a perfect way to get that vasectomy out of the way and then spend a weekend relaxing in front of the television, enjoying some college basketball.”

Bonzani and Mammen announced it on a local sports radio station and will run the promotion for the next two weeks. They are hoping that this will encourage men who have been contemplating getting the procedure to get it done.

“Here’s an excuse for a guy to sit on the couch for up to four days,” Bonzani said. “We thought that it would be a great incentive to tip these guys over the top.”

Although the promotion is being done as a fun marketing campaign, Bonzani and Mammen want men to know that the importance of resting a few days after the procedure is vital. Bonzani explains that doctors warn patients not to do too much after the vasectomy because they could suffer from additional painful swelling.

The idea was given to them after they attended a urology conference and heard about other practices having a great response in Oregon and Ohio reports the Southtown Star .

Bonzani and Mammen say that if the promotion is successful for them, they plan on making it an annual event.

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