Divided We Fall

Divided we fall.

We've heard it a million times, but we haven't really played out that scenario much in our heads. But radical revolutionaries have. Progressives have. It's the only way to topple America — from the inside. Bill Ayers and his ilk learned in the '60s that setting off a few bombs, in the end, accomplishes nothing. That's why he's a professor now. What better place to widen the divide than through academia?

The National Education Association is now recommending this book, "Rules for Radicals." Here are the first couple of lines from the prologue: "The revolutionary force today has two targets, moral as well as material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, 'burn the system down!' They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world. It is to this point that I have written this book."

Where is all of this stuff coming from? If you weren't a dope-smoking hippie in the '60s, you probably never saw this one coming.

There's a new tape out from the New Black Panthers. I know, last night I said I wouldn't play the same clip over and over of these guys. But when they keep coming out with new ones, I'm going to show them — not to rile you up, but to explain why this is happening:


SHAMIR SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER LEADER: How many of you want to want to know the quickest way to get rid of police brutality? How many really want to know? The quickest way to get rid the police brutality is to get rid of the police.

I love fighting me some crackers. Straight up.

I stay in jail. Why do I stay in jail? Because I defend my hood!


Wow. Now I see where King Shamir earned his title. That's some incredible logic. There wouldn't be that police problem if we just didn't have any of them darn police around. But don't worry, that's just the Philadelphia arm of the New Black Panthers. It's not like there's any problem with police getting shot in Philadelphia or anything.

And it's not like the head of the Panthers is talking about getting armed:


MALIK SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER PRESIDENT: I told you last night the Tea Party is arming, the white man already been armed, he's just arming even more. I don't even see how we got a discussion or debate on whether or not we should be armed. Of course we should be armed mentally, culturally and spiritually. But if you don't think we need to be in self defense according to our Second Amendment rights, if you think we should go less than our so-called constitutional rights, you're out of your mind.


Nothing inflammatory to see here, folks — move along. Go about your business. How is the media ignoring this?

I mean, MSNBC went out of their way to show you those dangerous, racist Tea Partiers showing up to rallies with guns. Notice the careful edit job on the racist white people Tea Partiers. But now watch it side-by-side with the unedited version. When the camera pans up — oh my gosh, look at that! He isn't white. Kind of an important detail to the storyline, no?

They'll go that far to paint the Tea Parties as racist, but they are silent on the Black Panthers? Where's the administration? Where's Nancy Pelosi?

Here's a white person at the Detroit Social Forum talking about border guards:


ELENA HERRADA, DETROIT SOCIAL FORUM: When we go into our restaurants and there's Border Patrol sitting there, would you sit next to the Ku Klux Klan if they were sitting at a restaurant with a hood over their head? Thank you.

But there is no place for border patrol in the community. They have no good intentions. They have no good intentions. So when you see them, refuse to sit with them, refuse to eat with them. Pretend like, you know, they are the menace that they are. And pretty soon everybody will catch onto it, and they won't feel so God damned comfortable to terrorize our communities.


It seems like there's a common enemy here: The police. Thirty-six of the police in Philadelphia are black. Could it be this is about something other than just race? No one seems interested in finding out. Here's Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman at a town hall meeting getting asked about the Panther intimidation case:


REP. BRAD SHERMAN, D-CALIF.: As to the Black Panther Party, I'm simply not aware of that case.


UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: I'm not voting for you because of that answer. You're supposed to represent us!


Did you hear the response? Everyone in the room knows about this case, but not your United States congressman. He's never heard of it. Why? His boss, Nancy Pelosi, is so scared of the violent rhetoric from the Tea Parties:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric is — was very frightening and it gave — it created a climate in which we, violence took place.


She's heard that before. It's the same rhetoric from the '60s.

Think back to the '60s. The rhetoric was coming from radicals and revolutionaries. Former SDS member Andy Stern heard it too. This is from The Washington Post on Andy Stern:

"He said he is convinced from his experience in the civil rights movement that 'pressure is needed' to bring about real change. 'It was not enough to have Martin Luther King Jr.,' Stern said. 'You needed Stokely Carmichael' to raise the threat of disruption unless demands were met. Carmichael was the flamboyant civil rights activist known for coining the term 'black power.'"

So it wasn't Martin Luther King who got the Civil Rights Act done. It was the black power crowd, whose threat of disruption that pushed Congress to action?

Well, at least this isn't someone influential saying this or someone talking about the power of persuasion:


ANDY STERN, SEIU PRESIDENT: We're trying to use the power of persuasion. And if that doesn't work, we're going to use the persuasion of power.

We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live.


It's not like Stern's the guy President Obama calls on health care or visits the White House more than anyone else. Because if it were, it'd almost seem plausible as to why the DOJ dropped the Black Panther case out of the blue.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel