Disturbing New Info About Missing Caylee's Mom 'On the Record'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," August 22, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Casey Anthony enjoys her first day as a free woman. The once jailed walked out of jail yesterday.

But she is not completely free. She is being monitored, including wearing an ankle bracelet to track her movement.

She may not be in the slammer tonight, but the now released mother is still the only person of interest in her daughter Caylee's disappearance.

Earlier a spokesperson from the Orange County Sheriff's office in Orlando went "On the Record" with producer Justin Wells.


JUSTIN WELLS, PRODUCER, "ON THE RECORD": Captain, Casey is out now. What does that mean for you? Does it change how you guys operate in any way?

CAPT. ANGELO NIEVES, ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Not necessarily. Our continued focus has been on getting as much information as possible regarding the whereabouts of Caylee. That is what is most important to us, and we continue to stay focused in that direction.

Obvious her being out-Casey, that is-again offers an opportunity for her and her attorney and their folks to step forward and make a determination as to what type of information they can provide to the Sheriff's office and to our lead investigators in order to provide information that will give us a key to unlock this mystery.

WELLS: Everyone is talking about the evidence that was collected, the DNA evidence in the car. Most people say that with the tests that you guys have to send those out to do, that that evidence would typically be back by now.

Is it back, and are detectives looking at it and just at this point not releasing that?

NIEVES: The information -- again, the testing processes, whatever the testing is right now, what level they are at, that is information that is privileged. That is information that the detectives will hold close the vest.

And then they will make a determination on when it is proper to release that information, whether it be through a court proceeding, or any other information that needs to be released in furtherance of this case.

WELLS: The bounty hunters that have come in and made a big splash. It has actually taken some of the eyes off of what you are doing, because everyone has been focused on that. What has your communication been with that bounty hunting team that is now watching over Casey?

NIEVES: Again, that is something that is not something that we are involved in. Part of the monitoring phase is something that is done by the community corrections division.

So they are part of that. We do not have any involvement in monitoring Casey Anthony at this point. That is the corrections division, and they also have the information regarding her whereabouts, her schedules, and so forth.

WELLS: Do you provide any kind of protection whatsoever, or is that not your responsibility?

NIEVES: Again, when she is bonded out, that is a right that she has. And, again, that is part of the monitoring responsibilities of the corrections department.

WELLS: If they had an issue at the house, as far as they say people are sending pizzas there and they are afraid they are poisoned, they are saying all kinds of things-if they contacted you guys, it would just be like any other citizen contacting you to file a police report, correct?

NIEVES: That is correct.

WELLS: So there is no special attention being paid to that home right now by your department?

NIEVES: Again, we have a situation in which the entire country, basically, is looking for Caylee. So there is some interest regarding the residents and so forth.

But our agency, law enforcement, and deputies that respond there for anything will do so and conduct themselves professionally within the law.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: "On the Record" has obtained disturbing information about Casey Anthony you will not hear anywhere else. An inside source tells us that apparently not all has been rosy in the Anthony household for some time.

According to our inside source, Casey took money without permission from her disabled grandfathers' banking account, money that was supposed to pay for the nursing home where receives care and lives.

When confronted, Casey told her grandmother that she had borrowed the money for an expense related to her job at Universal and that Universal would reimburse the money.

However, there is a problem. The statement about a job at Universal proved to be a lie. According to our source, Casey was so irresponsible with running up debts that her mother Cindy had to go into her own 401K to bail out her daughter financially.

That's not all. Our source says Casey also lied about her pregnancy with Caylee. Casey denied to relatives she was pregnant for the first seven months of her pregnancy despite obvious physical signs, and that her mother Cindy backed her up and told family she believed her daughter's denials about being pregnant.

The baby was born two months later.

Then there is the issue of Caylee's father. Our inside source says that some family members simply do not believe Casey's story that Caylee's father died in a car accident. Our source says that some family members have are and have been perplexed at Cindy, her mother's, willingness to believe everything her daughter Casey says.

So what did Casey Anthony do today with her first 24 hours of freedom in 37 days? Joining us live are bounty hunters Leonard Padilla and bail bondsman Tony Padilla. Leonard and Tony posted Casey's $500,000 bond. Welcome both of you, and, Tony, let me go first to you. How did she spend her day? Do you know time she got up and what she did?

TONY PADILLA, BAIL BONDSMAN: Greta, I have not heard a word about what she did today. I know that she visited with her attorney Jose Baez. And I did not see her at all today. Other than that, that is about all I know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Tony, did you have dinner with her last night?

TONY PADILLA: I was at the Anthony house last night. And I did have a bite to eat and shared some words with not only her but the family. She filled out some paperwork and I was out of there.

Watch Greta's interview

VAN SUSTEREN: What was her demeanor?

TONY PADILLA: Very somber, excited. It was a various range of emotions from Casey yesterday.

VAN SUSTEREN: Leonard, do you have any idea how she spent her day today other than going to see her lawyer?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: No. I just heard that she went to see her lawyer. I did not see her or have any contact at all. Other than that--which would be normal for somebody to get out of jail and go see their attorney right away. But other than that, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know, Leonard, if there was any discussion or effort to reach out to investigators to find the child today, whether it was Casey through her lawyer, through her parents, directly?

LEONARD PADILLA: I don't have any knowledge of anything like that, nor did I have a conversation with anybody about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: So Tony, what's the plan? Are you going to stay there until next court appearance? What's the story.

TONY PADILLA: No, Greta. I have been trying to leave, but because of the storm I am a little bit scared to fly. So I hope the weather is better tomorrow and hopefully get back home.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think we all understand that.

Tony, when you spend time with her and a family yesterday, did she mention her missing daughter Caylee to you?

TONY PADILLA: Yes she did. We talked a couple minutes about that. And I explained to her that this is the most important thing is Caylee. It is not about Leonard's ego nor my ego nor her ego nor her being out of jail. It is all about a girl.

And I think that is one of the parts of this whole thing that everyone is overlooking, is that we are not here for the publicity or the hype or any of this stuff. We are here to find a girl.

And Leonard and I talked last week, and that was probably the biggest part of our conversation was let's not do this for anybody but the girl.

VAN SUSTEREN: And when you had that conversation with her, did Casey say, "Yes, I get it, it is about my daughter Caylee, and-" let me be a little sarcastic for a second and say "where is the phone so I can call the investigators and tell them what I know?"

TONY PADILLA: I think she is still a little bit scared about being on the outside, whom she can trust, whom she can talk to. The family is there, but I think she is just getting over the fact that she has been in jail for 35 days.

It was not about getting the investigators, but she did look at me, and tears came to her eyes, and she said that "I understood." So it is hard for me to get a read on her. I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her, but, hopefully, she gets it. We are begging that she gets it, for Caylee's sake.

VAN SUSTEREN: Leonard and Tony, thank you. And, Tony, good luck with that flight. I know how you feel.

TONY PADILLA: Thanks, Greta, I appreciate it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you both.

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