Detroit Woman Turns to Facebook for New Kidney

With more than 400 million active users on Facebook, a 30-year-old woman from Detroit, Mich., is hoping the social networking site can help save her life, reported.

Melissa Foster has been dealing with serious health issues for almost half of her life. At the age of 16, she was diagnosed with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, which is a type of kidney disease that can rapidly progress into acute renal failure and even death.

After being on dialysis for a substantial period, Foster was lucky enough to get a kidney transplant, but four years later, her new kidney is rejecting.

"Everything has pretty much been downhill," Foster said. "I've had a lot of secondary complications. My blood pressure's been going out of control and I had to have my gallbladder removed and all of these things in order to kind of prepare to get another transplant."

On her Facebook page, Foster explained that if she does not find a living donor, she will likely spend nine to 12 years on a transplant waiting list, which is exactly why she turned to the site.

"I figured it's (Facebook) a huge outlet and maybe just by chance somebody would come forward and maybe want to donate one to me," she said.

Foster’s Facebook page is called "Mel Needs a Kidney."

And if you are interested in getting tested to see if you are a match for Foster, her insurance will cover the cost, according to the report.

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