Dennis Miller on Giuliani; Violent Films

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 28, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Thanks for staying with us. I'm Bill O'Reilly.

In the "Miller Time" segment tonight, this morning I went over the Supreme Court here in Washington to try to get Dennis deported. Just joshing. I went there to watch a case being argued and look around.

And while roaming the hallways I had a chance to talk with one of the justices off the record. And told him that the upcoming presidential race was going to be the nastiest in history, with the press brutalizing the candidates, especially the Republicans.

Take a look at this picture, which ran in far left Newsday this week. It pictures Rudy Giuliani from a comedy skit. The accompanying article was a hit piece, saying Giuliani's personal life is problematic. This is the kind of stuff we're going to see all day long from the left-wing press and from the right, as well.

Joining us now from New York, FOX News commentator and brand-new radio host for Westwood One, Dennis Miller, who does support Rudy Giuliani.

Before we get to that, you wanted to comment on the Mike Farrell interview?

DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEW CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Bill, first off, I have to say I come all the way to New York. You're down in D.C. I know when they have a close vote in the Senate they call you down as the potential tie breaking vote. I think it's case of a 50/50 tie. So I guess that's why you're there.

I thought Mike Farrell was great. And I thought when he was talking about his middle-class youth leading him eventually to the greatest TV show in the history of the medium, I thought he was going to say "The Factor", but he comes out with that weak "M*A*S*H" piece. What's that about?

O'REILLY: I don't know what that was about. But you know, look, I couldn't disagree with him more. And I think you feel the same way. But I respect him for coming in and for talking about issues in an intelligent way.

Now, you're a Giuliani guy.


O'REILLY: And it's starting pretty early with trying to tear him apart with, you know, using the picture which he did in a skit and this, that and the other thing. What do you think?

MILLER: Well, two things. This will show you how people will really subvert their true opinion, I think, for an agenda. Because most of these guys who are going to start writing about this cat were based in New York. And I think most of them saw what the broken windows approach and his level-headed approach after 9/11 brought to this city. I think on some level they're fans. And I don't think you'll ever hear that.

I think you're going see pictures of him in drag like Dame Edna. I think you're going to hear about the three marriages ad nauseum. And it will just go to show you how people will subvert what I feel are their true feelings to, you know, exploit their agenda.

O'REILLY: Yes, I mean, there may be something to that. But "Newsday" desperately wants a liberal president. I mean, it does that all day long. And may not like something about Giuliani. But they certainly don't want a hard-line anti-terror warrior in the White House. That's the last thing they want.

But do you think that the folks are going to respond to this kind of stuff? Or do they know what's going on here?

MILLER: No, I think we've reached the tipping point. I'll be honest with you, Bill. I think it's going translate from Bush to Giuliani that on a day-to-day basis the heckling, this game, the flat out accusations of lying is so incessant that I literally think they've become the boy who cried wolf in some regard.

I don't think that most people in this country on a day-to-day basis can summon up the hate for a guy like George Bush and, indeed, Giuliani to come, that most of these guys in the liberal press can. I think at some point it starts to ring hollow. It becomes like Charlie Brown's parents in the background. You just hear, "Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah."

OK, they hate him. I'm going look at him. And I think Giuliani is going to be the lucky recipient of the fact that they've overkilled Bush all these years.

O'REILLY: Yes, it's tiresome, but it has driven the Bush presidency into a very defensive position and is, you know, obviously approval rating because of Iraq is just as low as it can almost possibly get.

Now, you have a 13-year-old son.


O'REILLY: And this is — I'm changing the subject totally but I'm very curious about this. There seems every week to be a torture — another torture movie. And maybe some of our viewers don't know this, but you of course, starred in the very classic film "Bucket of Blood".

MILLER: "Bordello of Blood", my friend.

O'REILLY: "Bordello of Blood". And there he is. And look. And you were killing zombies. But I have to say this was in jest. This was a satirical movie, "Tales from the Crypt", dot, dot, dot.

Now it wouldn't be. Now you would be gouging people's eyes out and you'd be eating their elbow, Miller, if you were still in this business. And I mean what — do kids want cannibal zombies? Is that what they want?

MILLER: Well, two things. I think if I'm going to be a stand-up guy like Mike Farrell is going to be a stand-up guy, I have to lay claim to the fact at one point I was in one of these films. Now, you're right; it has a bit of irony to it. That "Tales from the Crypt" thing has a bit of a humorous cache.

But I remember when I was going into it. I said, "Hey, here you are. You're going to be in a violent film." But then they told me it's stuff like me with a super soaker filled with holy water, melting zombies. I figure that's so out there that I'll give it a try.

But I also remember thinking maybe I'm full of it for doing this. I think that's half the thing that happens in Hollywood when you question these people who are in these films and say what were you thinking doing this? You know what? They're thinking — they're thinking they live in the valley and they're completely broke and they're trying to make a profit.

O'REILLY: Sure. They're all doing it for — but I don't even care about the industry doing it, because as both of us know, the industry will do anything to make a buck.


O'REILLY: Anything. What I — what disturbs me is I'm a big horror movie buff, Frankenstein, Dracula, all these people when I was a kid. I loved it. But now they want cannibalism. They want sadistic torture. They — this is the kids who are going to see this.

MILLER: Well, they definitely jumped the shark in showing the "Captivity" billboard there. I don't think those things should be obviously around public schools. I just don't think you can have that stuff.

Now, I have my 13-year-old son Marlon with me today. I said, "I'm going to go out and talk to Mr. O'Reilly." And I do speak like that in front of him. I show reverence to the boss. I said, "I'm going to go talk to Mr. O'Reilly about horror movies, and I want to ask you do horror movies impact you in any way when you see them."

And I don't let him see the worst of it, like "Saw" and "Hostel" and that, but I'll take him to see "300", which is pretty violent. I'll watch "Apocalypto" with him. I'll watch, you know, some puppet master thing here and there. I said to him, "Do they impact you in any way, son?"

He said no they don't.

I looked at him and said, "OK, why don't they impact you?"

He said, "Cause they're movies."

And I remember thinking if you set up some reality base where you talk to your kid once in a while, where you watch one of these with them for a while, where you tell them that there's no M-rated video games, no Columbine games in the house, if you lay down the marker, I think it becomes pretty clear to them what is fantasy and what's reality. And you can see the movie.

O'REILLY: That true. But there's a vicarious enjoyment to seeing people suffer that disturbs me a little.

Real quick. You're doing the radio thing for Westwood One. You enjoying that? Just started, right?

MILLER: Well, Billy, that is — you know as well as I do — you're doing two a day. I'm doing three a day.


MILLER: I find it very cathartic, but it also can take it out of you. I must tell you today. Our web site is finally up. We have nothing to sell on the web site. So I spent a good hour of the day today pitching "Factor" gear.

O'REILLY: Excellent! And you know, it goes charity so you're going to go to heaven doing that.

MILLER: There you go, Bill.

O'REILLY: Last word, Miller?

MILLER: Assiduous.

O'REILLY: That a boy. Assiduous, excellent word.

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