Dems: Is Gore All You Got?

And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

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Dems: Is Gore All You Got?

Former Presidential Candidate Al Gore's (search) political supporters and friends are now pressuring him to change his mind and enter the presidential race in 2004. A former official at the Democratic National Committee (search) says Gore may enter the race this fall, in time for next year's Democratic primaries, but a Gore spokeswoman tells The Hill newspaper that Gore has no such plans. Meanwhile, a recent poll shows that if Gore did enter the race, he would lead the pack of Democratic candidates, with 40 percent of Democratic voters saying they would vote for him. The next-most popular candidates would receive 7 percent of the vote.

NASCAR Cuts the Rainbow

NASCAR (search) has apparently had it with Jesse Jackson (search) and his Rainbow-Push Coalition. Despite donating large sums of money to Jackson's organization over the past few years, NASCAR has been blasted by the organization for being, "the last bastion of white supremacy" and, "a good ole' boy's southern redneck cracker sport." And so NASCAR now says it has cut off all money to Rainbow-Push. A Rainbow-Push spokesman, however, tells Associated Press that his organization still expects funding from NASCAR, adding, "as far as we're concerned, the relationship is the same."

Place-Specific Profanity?

The latest in the world of American justice is that a Colorado lawyer is arguing that the f-word is protected by the Constitution (search), even when hurled by a student at a school principal. The student was first charged with disorderly conduct and then with interfering with an educational institution, but Public Defender Eric Vanatta says the charges violated his client's First Amendment (search) rights. Vanatta, in papers filed in court, notes that the f-word, "can be heard almost anywhere at anytime" and "possesses incredible versatility." In addition, Vanatta says, the f-word is nearly 2 times more prevalent on the Internet than the word "baseball," nearly 3 times more prevalent than the word "mom," and nearly 46 times more prevalent than the phrase "Freedom of Speech."

Way To Get Out of A DWI…Get More Drunk?

A court in Norway (search) has thrown out the case of a confessed drunken driver in Oslo. The problem wasn't that the man was not drunk, but that he was so drunk that the court decided he didn't know what he was doing when he confessed, so it tossed out the confession and set the man free. The Aften Post newspaper reports that an on-site blood test had showed the man's alcohol level to be nearly 13 times the legal limit.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report