Democrats Who Won't Go on Fox

If you know someone's about to drive you off a cliff and you're in the back seat, wouldn't you make damn sure to jump out? Then why do so many Democrats keep taking advice from leaders who are driving them off the same cliff, with the same results?

I mean, is it me, or have you noticed a pattern that the ones who avoid Fox, even target Fox, boycott Fox — well — voters seem to boycott them.

We must have made 20 calls to Martha Coakley's office — nada, zilch, zippo — she loses. Scott Brown returned all our calls, came on when he could; wins.

Then there's Jon Corzine. I must have called the former New Jersey governor 30 times. And the only time I got him is when I literally grabbed him, in the rain, on a roof, for a special 9-11 anniversary show. I was wet. He was mad. It was short. He was defeated. The guy he ripped during the campaign, Chris Christie, followed up on all our requests, took all our questions, and he won.

Same with the Democratic candidate in Virginia; blew us off, and voters blew him off. Republican candidate took us on and voters blew him in.

I'm not saying we made the difference. I am saying this says something about the losing side's indifference to us and to you.

Obviously someone, somewhere is telling these Democrats, "Don't go on Fox. There's no upside." You'd think by now some of these folks would be asking, "OK, we didn't go on Fox. Where's the upside?"

I'll tell you where: nowhere.

Again, maybe it's me, but isn't it remarkable that the brave Democratic souls who choose to ignore that advice, do OK.

Democratic Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell goes on Fox and he polls quite well.

New York congressman Anthony Weiner keeps coming on Fox and that guy polls really well.

They obviously didn't get the marching orders. Or maybe they did, and they decided to ignore it. Maybe because they figured they couldn't handle it and us.

Just like other independent-minded Democrats like Evan Bayh or Elijah Cummings or Dennis Kucinich or even Steny Hoyer. Or past party giants like Michael Dukakis or George McGovern.

All too big to be petty and too busy to be small. Which is why they're all still around and influential.

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