Daily Kos Attacks Jenna Bush and Family

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," May 14, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Policing the Net" segment tonight, another viewer warning. I'm sorry, but there are some violent images ahead.

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Three topics, including a vicious attack on Jenna Bush and her family by the vicious Daily Kos.

Joining us now from Washington, our Internet cop, the very nice Mary Katharine Ham.

You know, I hate to report this stuff, but I have to — we have to do it. We have to tell the audience the level of hate in this country, because it is becoming a Factor in a presidential race, as I debated with Laura Ingraham up top. And it is becoming a Factor with children. And it's coarsening our society.

Jenna Bush married, very nice ceremony last weekend. The Daily Kos does what?

MARY KATHARINE HAM, TOWNHALL.COM: Well, it took it as an opportunity, the classic sort of liberal blog activity to post pictures of her at her wedding juxtaposed with some very graphic pictures of casualties in Iraq, perpetrated both by insurgents and allegedly American air strikes. Just to make the point that the Bushes should not be allowed to celebrate nuptials, apparently, because there is a war going on.

And I guess the premise is that — or the theory is that only the handful of Democrats who originally voted against the war are allowed to celebrate familial milestones at this point while there's a war going on. It's a really silly argument. And the pictures are disgusting.

O'REILLY: All right. Now, the purveyor of this revolting Web site who's probably one of the most despicable Americans in the country — show his picture if we have it. This man is basically now using the Web site to elevate the level of hatred toward the Bushes and anybody else.

And Newsweek magazine, by the way, has legitimized him by giving him a columnist position. I talked to the editor by e-mail, and I said I can't believe that you're — that's like hiring David Duke. I use Duke too much, but I have to — the level of hatred coming out of that Web site is unprecedented.

HAM: It is. The comments — the comments sections are really a cesspool. There are liberal blogs that do good reporting...

O'REILLY: Not this.

HAM: ... that do good stuff even at places on Daily Kos. On occasion on Daily Kos, you'll find good stuff, but yes, it's overshadowed by the cesspool.

O'REILLY: I canceled my subscription — I still get it at work — to Newsweek magazine because of that. And I think everybody else should, as well. I mean, once you start to legitimize this — like Syracuse University.

Once you employ that guy and do the hatred, using his position, once you start to hire a guy like this Kos guy and you're legitimizing that, then I'm out. I'm completely out. I don't want anything to do with you or your publication or your school.

HAM: And shining sunlight on the comments and the bad behavior, I think it's a good way to get rid of it.

O'REILLY: We have to. That's why I told Laura Ingraham I can't ignore this, because it's becoming a huge, huge Factor in the country.

Now, second one we have, New York state, trying to get a law passed of anybody who photographs violent criminal activity and puts it on the Net can be charged with a felony. I like the law. What do you say?

HAM: Well, this comes on the heels of these videos where girls are beating up another girl. They post it on YouTube on purpose. There's these "bum fights," where people go out and find homeless people to assault, then they post it on YouTube. And there is sort of like a pseudo- fame that's gained from this and copycatting going on.

So they're trying to put a stop to this in New York with a law that would make it a felony to knowingly videotape and distribute this assault.

O'REILLY: And you're for that law, correct?

HAM: You know me. I'm anti-making new laws. I feel like assault is already against the law. Conspiracy to...

O'REILLY: Assault is against the law but not photographing it.

HAM: I know.

O'REILLY: So the person who photographs it gets away with it.

HAM: But — but — but...

O'REILLY: Even though they're participating in the crime.

HAM: But — I think there are ways to go after that person, as well. And the video becomes an aggravating Factor when you're sentencing somebody.

O'REILLY: It also delivers more pain to the victim. Keep that in mind. All right. You're wrong on that one.

HAM: I'm just worried about the unintended consequences of the laws. You know me.

O'REILLY: You're right about the Kos. You're wrong about that one.

OK, 30 million people have gone in to watch an Internet display of animals in Africa fighting. Correct?

HAM: Right.

O'REILLY: Tell me about this.

HAM: It's an old video taken in 2004 by a tourist, a Texas tourist in South Africa on a nature reserve. And it's this epic battle between a herd of buffalo — bison, or something along those lines. I apologize for my...

O'REILLY: Yes, it's a buffalo. It's lions, and a crocodile.

HAM: And a crocodile.

O'REILLY: Right.

HAM: All fighting together over the same baby calf, and the calf eventually comes out on top. It's a great underdog story. It's an amazing wildlife video. And it's just exploded on the Internet with millions and millions of views.

And National Geographic, in turn, made a documentary based on this film to explore what happened in it. So it's really an example of how you can really take off if you catch something, if you happen to catch something.

O'REILLY: Isn't it an example of how bloodthirsty we all are here?

HAM: Well, I don't know. The calf comes out on top. It's a happy ending. That's why people like it, is my argument.

O'REILLY: The calf gets away. Right?

HAM: Right. It's not...

O'REILLY: What about the poor crocodile? He's hungry.

HAM: Oh, my gosh, you would root for the crocodile.

O'REILLY: Touche.

Mary Katharine Ham, everybody.

By the way, there's a tape floating around on the Internet of me in a state of displeasure, I understand. Apparently, the tape is 20 years old. But I, your humble correspondent, have plenty of much newer stuff, because by contractual obligation, I have to create a few dramas every year for the amusement of my co-workers. They'd quit if I didn't do that.

Anyway, if you want to buy the tapes that I have, I'm happy to sell them to you.

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