Crying Over Currency

What's that old line? A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. In keeping with that, "as long as it's not in my backyard strategy," along come European leaders to say enough is enough.

Our dollar is too weak and boy, are they ticked. It's killing their companies that want to export things here, because those things are now more expensive here. So we don't buy as many of those things here and the French are positively fried.

Never mind the fact that they never complained when our dollar was strong and it was our manufacturers who were hurting. That went on for years.

No, now that they're the ones feeling the pinch and they can't shut up.

I wonder where all this compassion for displaced workers was when it was our workers. And I wonder where all this yammering for fair trade was when it was American companies getting the short end of the stick.

No, for years, we in America have been left to deal with the flipside of a strong currency. Somehow we adjusted. Somehow we survived.

We didn't blame the French for their weak currency. We found ways to push on with a strong currency.

I don't remember us lecturing them. Now they can't stop lecturing us.

They attack our deficits, even though they've got bigger percentage deficits.

They attack our recovery, even though some of them barely have a recovery.

And they attack our war on terror, even though a lot of these smarmy worms are safer because of our war on terror.

Here's the difference: We had a strong dollar and found a way around it. They have a strong euro and can't stop complaining about it.

Wouldn't it be great for me to blame my baker for being fat. Leave it to the Europeans to blame our dollar for them being stupid.

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