Critical of President Bush

Here’s the latest edition of Some Stories You Won't Find on any other Sunday show:

Critical of President Bush

Former ambassador Joe Wilson (search) made a name for himself when he accused the Bush administration of misleading the nation about efforts by Iraq to buy uranium from Africa. Remember those famous 16 words in the 2003 State of the Union address?

Well, it turns out that buried in the Senate Intelligence report (search) is news that the issue of whether Iraq tried to buy the so-called yellowcake from Niger has not been discounted, but is still an open issue.

Wilson also said his wife, CIA agent Valerie Plame, had nothing to do with him being sent to Africa in the first place. But the Senate report says it was Plame who pushed her husband for the assignment.

Administration officials are now being investigated for leaking Plame's CIA connection to a reporter. The Senate report may bolster the argument that the Administration was trying to cast doubt on Wilson's expertise, not trying to "out" an undercover agent -- which is a crime.