Conventional Wisdom: Snub or Still In the Club?

Former presidents, one-time rivals, military veterans and family members will help tell the story of Democrat John Kerry (search) as he prepares to accept his party's presidential nomination at the national convention in late July. But one name is conspicuously missing: New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (search) is not expected to speak at the party convention, though she will be in attendance.

Conventional Wisdom: Snub or Still In the Club?

A sample of your responses:

I think that Kerry got whom Kerry wanted.  No more, No less.  You only get what you ask for, right?
Bryan T.
Bradenton, FL

The veil of ignorance has finally lifted — the Edwards/Kerry team finally recognizes that Bill and Hill want them to lose in order to make room for Hillary's run in 2008. 
Robert J.
Fayetteville, NC

Well of course it is not a snub. Senator Kerry just needs the charming Mrs. Clinton to grace his platform while He and his campaigners state their message for America.
Henry H.
Rochester, NY

Kerry snubbed Hillary big time — but Hillary will have the last laugh when she puts her destruction machine into action and destroys Kerry's run for President so that the deck will be clear for her in 2008.
Brent O.
Chicago, IL

It is a snub. The think tankers will come up with something the crowd of the day wants to hear, even if is totally opposite from what was said to the last crowd.
Roger S.
Bermuda Dunes, CA

Rather naive if you think this is about Kerry instead choreography and marketing driven by the polls.
Roger B.
Kent, NY

Putting Hillary Clinton in the spotlight at the Democratic Convention emphasizes that if John Kerry wins, she will not be president for at least eight years. If I were a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, I would not be voting for Mr. Kerry
Jim A.
Orlando, FL

Clearly they don't want her to overshadow Kerry. In polls during the primary, Hillary Clinton was preferred by a huge margin as potential nominee for the Democratic party.
Margaret S.
Bethany Beach, DE

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