Controversy Over New Google Maps Feature

This is a partial transcript of "The Big Story With John Gibson," May 31, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

JOHN GIBSON, HOST: The "Big Issue": you can Google just about anyone to find out what they're doing now, but did you know you can actually see for yourself where they are right now on the Internet website, as well?

The search engine giant has just created new a highly controversial mapping feature that doesn't just show close-up images of homes and buildings around the world, it allows you to zoom into streets close enough to make out people's faces, car license plates, you name it. Don't pick your nose. Google may be watching.

And men and women, definitely do not cheat. Your spouse may catch you somewhere you shouldn't be. Evolving technology of the 21st century is of course raising some big-time privacy issues. Here's the Google issued to us just a short time ago:

"At Google we take privacy very seriously. Street View only features imagery taken on private property. We respect the fact that people may not want imagery they feel is objectionable featured on the service.we provide easily accessible tools for flagging [that] imagery for review and removal."

Former NYPD detective, Bo Dietl is with me now. So Bo, in a way that Google is only doing what the news does. We can go out and take pictures on public streets and we do it all the time, and we're not quibbling about that. But this is now available to literally every single person on the planet, not just a few TV viewers. Is this Google's business to be peeking into everyone else's business?

BO DIETL, FMR NYPD DETECTIVE: Well, let's not use the word "peeking." Right there, the transbaumnatations (sic) of peeking means you're doing something wrong.

GIBSON:Well, it doesn't sound good.

DIETL: 1984, we had the Palm Sunday Massacre on Liberty Avenue, 10 people dead, eight kids. The guy who did the murder was parked out in front. We tried to get an ASTAT satellite reading of the car, we could not read the plate.

If we could have, we could have known who the murderer was at that time. I think this is one of the most fabulous pieces of technology for law enforcement. It's beyond anything. I'm so happy.

GIBSON:Well, you're a private investigator. You would be interested. An average citizen says wait a minute, what do you mean? My car parked in front of a certain address is visible to the world now where you can actually read my license plate number and everybody knows I was at a certain place at a certain time.

DIETL: John, again, I'm talking as a professional, I'm not taking about a person on that cheating side of town. So, that means you have to not go on that cheating side of town, John, you have to be loyal and respectful.

GIBSON:I'm not worried about myself. We're talking about people out there.

DIETL: Oh, people out there.

GIBSON:Should anybody feel like they can be intruded upon by Google at any given moment?

DIETL: I believe if it's public streets, not if I'm going to sunbathe in my backyard in the nuditation (sic), I don't know want somebody looking at me or...

GIBSON:They can do that, too.

DIETL: Well, no, they said that if it's a public area, and your backyard could be deemed as private. If they start going over the top of that, they have to censor it in the sense that they can't look in my backyard and watch me have my barbecue.

GIBSON:But why do this at all?

DIETL: Well, you know what, if the technology is there, just imagine the cases we can break. This is exciting. It's exciting for the detectives out there.

GIBSON:But it's not there for cops.

DIETL: Well, you know what?

GIBSON:Street Views, bad news because Bo, Google is watching you.

DIETL: Google, Google, Google, be a good boy and you won't get Googlized.

GIBSON:Well, come on. How much peeking do I — does anybody really have to put up with? I mean look, if you get hired by somebody to spy on a certain person, that's.

DIETL: We do surveillances.

GIBSON:This is one of the largest corporations on the planet that is now sticking its nose into everybody's...

DIETL: John, you know I do a lot of corporate investigations. We do surveillances, we follow people, we do surveillances, we take video on corporate espionage.

GIBSON:You don't post it on the Internet.

DIETL: No, but the point this is. If this technology is available, it could be very, very helpful for everybody. But the point is, it should not be an abused technology going into people's private areas. What is the difference if I do a surveillance on you and follow you in a car or if I'm able to track you through my good old Google?

GIBSON:Millions of people seeing that.

DIETL: Well, you know something, John? Technology's changing, so here's the moral of the story: Don't go on the cheating side of town.

GIBSON:Bo Dietl, on Big Brother's side.

DIETL: I'm there.

GIBSON:All right, Bo, thanks.

DIETL: Thank you, John.

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