Connecticut School Official Wants Alcohol Testing at School Events

A Connecticut school superintendent wants his district to be able to test students with a Breathaylzer at school events, reported Monday.

Milford Superintendent of Schools Harvey Polanksy said the proposed policy would be used when there is "reasonable suspicion" that a student had been drinking prior to school-sanctioned social events like high school dances and athletic events, reported.

"You read in the papers on a regular basis (about) teens not making good judgments with alcohol," Polansky told the New Haven Register. "We just want to promote a safer environment … underage drinking is an epidemic."

Any student who is determined to be intoxicated by the Breathalyzer would not be allowed into the school event. If the offending student were to become belligerent, police would then be notified, the New Have Register reported.

Milford's Board of Education will reportedly vote on the proposal Monday. If approved, the policy could take affect as early as this fall.

"It’s really clear most teens are drinking and we need to provide a deterrence,” Polansky told the New Haven Register.

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