Coming Up on 'FOX News Sunday': Former President George H. W. Bush

Our exclusive guest this week:

• Former President George H. W. Bush

A "FOX News Sunday" exclusive: We begin a new series called "American Leaders" with former President George H. W. Bush. We’ll talk about his view of our nation and its place in the world and get an inside look at the moments that helped define his presidency. He’ll offer us his perspective on public service and volunteerism. He’ll also share his hopes for the nation as well as his fears. Then you won’t want to miss a specially guided tour of never seen before sections of his presidential library, only on "FOX News Sunday."

Our panel will discuss this week’s Democratic presidential debate: Did frontrunner Hillary Clinton stumble on immigration? And which opponent is best positioned to take advantage? Joining us will be Brit Hume, Washington managing editor of FOX News, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard and Mara Liasson and Juan Williams both of National Public Radio.

Plus, our Power Player of the Week: Global Ambassador for YouthAIDS, Ashley Judd who just came back from India exploring the impact of HIV across India’s population.

So check your local listings and we'll see you on the next "FOX News Sunday."