Coming Up on 'FNS': Admiral Mike Mullen; House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer and House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner

Our exclusive guests this week:
Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, House majority leader
Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, House Minority Leader

As Americans celebrate our freedom this weekend, U.S. servicemen and women remain in harms way in several hotspots around the world. This week the U.S. military unleashed the first large scale counterinsurgency operation in Afghanistan since President Obama’s decision to send an additional 21,000 troops to the troubled region. So can U.S.-led forces take control of what have been key Taliban strongholds? Plus, what’s the latest from Iraq, where U.S. troops pulled out of major cities this week? And what about North Korea’s decision to fire four short range missiles in yet another rebuke of the international community? Chris Wallace gets the latest on the U.S. Armed Forces from our nation’s highest ranking officer.

Health care reform remains one of the president’s top priorities, but building a consensus on the specifics of the plan is proving to be a difficult venture. We’ll get a handle on what the final health care reform bill might look like from the House majority and minority leaders.

Plus our panel:

Bill Kristol – Weekly Standard & Fox News
Jennifer Loven – Associated Press
Stephen Hayes – Weekly Standard & Fox News
Juan Williams – National Public Radio & Fox News

So check your local listings and we’ll see you on the next "FOX News Sunday."