Closer Look at Michael Moore's New Film 'Sicko'

This is a partial transcript of "The Big Story With John Gibson," June 5, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

JOHN GIBSON, HOST: The "Big Outrage": Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore got the best advertising he could ever get for his new film which slams America's health care system. The influential Oprah Winfrey endorsed his new project and aired the first scenes ever to be seen in America of his documentary "Sicko" today on her popular daytime talk show. In the film, Moore says that our health care system is inferior to dozens of other countries. So why are so many people from other countries coming to America for medical attention? A debate is sure to explode when "Sicko" opens up in our theaters nationwide later this month. "Big Story" correspondent Douglas Kennedy is here now to kick off the debate. Douglas?

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, "BIG STORY" CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, John, Moore told Oprah he thinks our for-profit healthcare system is corrupt and he hopes his new movie will lead to some reform. His main problem, he says, is with the insurance companies who, he says, put profits above benefits.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I get a bill from my insurance company telling me that the ambulance ride wasn't pre-approved. I don't know when I was supposed to pre-approve it — after I gained consciousness?

KENNEDY (VOICE-OVER): Michael Moore says U.S. insurance executives are a bunch of sickos that he is exposing them in his new film entitled "Sicko." It's a premise that has its supporters and critics battling it out.

QUENTIN YOUNG, PNHP: He does great documentaries and infuses humor on major issues and I think he's done it again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When he says things like Canada has an ideal health care system or Cuba has an ideal health care system or that we should spend more money on health care than we are in the United States, that's when people are going to start to think that Michael Moore is from another planet.

KENNEDY: The documentary, which received rave reviews a few weeks ago at the Cannes Film Festival, skewers insurance companies for denying benefits.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I denied a man a necessary operation and thus caused his death. This secured my reputation and it insured my continued advancement in the health care field.

KENNEDY: It also mocks members of Congress for taking insurance money.

MOORE, "SICKO" VOICE-OVER: Here's what it costs to buy these men, and this woman, this guy and this guy.

KENNEDY: And, of course, it takes a few potshots at President Bush for being out of touch.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I work three jobs.



BUSH: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic.

KENNEDY: Earlier today, Moore was on "Oprah" promoting the movie.

MOORE ON "OPRAH": The system is set up to provide us with as little care as possible and insurance companies go out of their way to do what they can to not pay claims.

KENNEDY: At its heart, the film laments the fact that the U.S. is the richest country in the world, but is ranked 37 in health care...

MOORE: Just slightly ahead of Slovenia.

KENNEDY: ...for failing to insure our working poor. Moore says the U.S. needs universal health insurance.

QUENTIN YOUNG, PNHP: We're the only country in the world that hasn't seen the importance of national health insurance. Every other industrialized, democratic country in the world has found that out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My problem is that he wants to take the second biggest, most inefficient sector of the U.S. economy and hand it over to the biggest, most inefficient sectors of the U.S. economy, which is the government sector.


KENNEDY: Moore also attacks the pharmaceutical industry which he says needs to be regulated. He says insurance companies and drug companies are sacrificing care to make money. And I know that you're going to disagree with him, John, but he says you have to take the profit out of this.

GIBSON: Well, Oprah is very sympathetic. Now she could put a lot of money into it herself. Did she volunteer on today's show?

KENNEDY: She said she loved the movie. She thought it was non-political as well.

GIBSON: But is she willing to write some big checks to provide that health care for people who don't have it?

KENNEDY: I think she, you know...

GIBSON: She might.

KENNEDY: Aren't there a lot of people who want to provide some checks to make sure everybody's insured?

GIBSON: Yeah, once Oprah's on your side, you're set.

Douglas Kennedy, thank you.

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