Cindy Crawford on a Bikini Beach Binge Days After Detailing Sun-Phobic Regimen

Randeeeee Gerrrrrrrberrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

(Screamed in the voice of Khan from "Strak Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" in that one famous scene, you know the one.)

The nightlife impresario Rande Gerber was snapped strutting down a Baha Peninsula beach with his superhot wife Cindy Crawford yesterday, to the consternation of men worldwide.

PHOTOS: Click for more hot swimsuit pics of Cindy Crawford.

The 43-year-old supermodel has been hitting all the Baha beach hot spots in the past few days in various bikinis, just weeks after she appeared nude in Allure magazine, where she went into detail about her skin-care regimen.

We're hoping Crawford's applying plenty of sunscreen.

PHOTOS: Click for more stars in their Spring Break bikinis.

We wouldn't want to hear that she has given up taking care of the skin that helped make her a superstar.

But back to Rande Gerber for a moment. What guy spells Rande with an "e"?

That's just not right.

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