Cheese Bandit Pleads Guilty

The Great Naked Cheese Bandit of Tennessee has confessed to his crimes.

As previously reported in Out There, Michael David Monn was nabbed by Marysville, Tenn., police last July while he was running around in the buff, stinking drunk and covered in nacho cheese.

Monn "was highly intoxicated, broke into the John Sevier Pool (search) snack bar area, stole some snacks and did some damage and was caught naked," the prosecutor at Monn's trial told the court, according to the Marysville Daily Times.

At about 5 a.m. on Sunday, July 18, cops found Monn's jeep parked near the public pool. A pile of clothes and a bottle of vodka were inside.

They then encountered him running toward the vehicle, box of snacks in hand, wearing nothing but nacho cheese on his head, face and shoulders. He also reeked of alcohol and wasn't quite coherent.

Police figure the dairy wearer jumped an 8-foot-wall to get to the forbidden tasty treats and then jumped it again to get back to his car.

The birthday suit made some sense — Monn turned 23 years old that day.

On Monday, Monn pleaded guilty to burglary, theft, vandalism, indecent exposure and public intoxication. He received a suspended sentence of three years, subject to probation guidelines, including paying $400 for the liberated junk food.

Young Burglar Can't Stay Focused

South Jordan, Utah, police think a local burglar may have gotten a bit distracted on the job.

While robbing someone's house, the suspect apparently got on the Internet to browse porn sites and also dialed a couple of 1-900 sex lines. Then he got creative.

"All evidence indicates he disrobed while he was there and that he donned some women's clothing while he was on the property," Sgt. Dan Starks told KUTV-TV of Salt Lake City.

He must have been disturbed in his activities, however, because he left the house in a tremendous hurry — leaving his wallet and ID behind.

Police arrested an 18-year-old man at his home, where items taken from the house were also found.

Nudity Defended With Sword

Lack of clothing also was an issue in North Liberty, Iowa, where a local man allegedly ran around outside naked threatening people with a sword.

Police told the Iowa City Press-Citizen that despite the brisk February breeze, Curtis Donald Rarick had been hanging around in his front yard in the nude.

When his neighbors asked him to put on his clothes, Rarick, 44, allegedly got angry, ran inside his house and came back out, still nude but sporting an impressive 2½-foot-long sword.

He was arrested and charged with assault while displaying a dangerous weapon and posted bail Monday.

Young at Heart

DANVILLE, W. Va. (AP) — A 78-year-old woman faces drug charges and authorities are searching for her 72-year-old boyfriend after police said they found more than a pound of marijuana stashed in a freezer on her property.

State police arrested Mollie Williams last week after responding to a dispute between her granddaughter and the granddaughter's husband, who reportedly were arguing over drugs.

Police learned the man allegedly had bought marijuana from Williams, State Police Cpl. Larry O'Bryan said Monday.

Armed with a search warrant and a drug-sniffing dog, troopers went to Williams' residence near Danville. The dog led troopers to a freezer in an outbuilding where the marijuana, worth an estimated $4,000, was hidden under frozen meat and other food, O'Bryan said.

Williams was jailed and later released on $15,000 bond.

Her live-in boyfriend, Jack White, who was recovering from heart bypass surgery, was given the opportunity to turn himself in but failed to do so, authorities said. He remained at large Monday.

"They appear to be the typical grandma and grandpa individuals; however, they sell marijuana," O'Bryan said.

Partying With the Dead

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (AP) — A woman accused of digging up and taking her boyfriend's cremated remains more than a decade ago — and drinking the beer that was buried with them — was sentenced to 60 days in jail.

Karen Stolzmann (search), 44, had faced up to nine months in jail on a misdemeanor charge of concealing stolen property. She was sentenced Monday.

"I kind of thought she should be punished more," said Sheboygan County District Attorney Joe DeCecco. "Under these kinds of circumstances, this is just unexcusable."

Investigators accused Stolzmann of digging up the ashes of her former boyfriend, Michael Hendrickson, at a cemetery possibly out of spite for his family.

Hendrickson was 27 when he died in 1992 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His relatives contacted authorities last fall after discovering his remains were stolen.

Beer and cigarettes buried with him also were missing.

Investigators were led to Stolzmann, who had lived with Hendrickson and was with him when he shot himself. Both were married to other people at the time.

Detectives searched Stolzmann's home, found her hiding in the shower and located the remains in her garage, authorities said.

Landlord Tries to Smoke Tenant Out

LANETT, Ala. (AP) — A landlord in an eviction dispute with a tenant allegedly broke windows at his rental property and threw a tear gas grenade into the residence, police said.

Joseph Hammock, 69, of West Point, Ga., was taken into custody on Feb. 16 after a 1:30 a.m. dispute at the Lanett rental property. Police said the tenant was not injured.

Officers arrested Hammock near his Georgia home on an unrelated arson charge and took him to Troup County Jail (search), said Lanett Police Chief Ron Docimo.

Deputies found additional materials for building explosive devices and literature for survivalist techniques in Hammock's Georgia residence, said Troup County Sheriff's Lt. Rick Massie.

Compiled by FOX News' Paul Wagenseil.

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