Caucus Groups Seek to Motivate Iowa Voters

All of the major Democratic campaigns are gearing up to get their supporters out to the Iowa caucuses (search) on Monday night, and are using a variety of methods to get out the vote.

Many campaigns ask supporters to address postcards to themselves so the campaigns can mail them out as reminders to vote. The campaigns also have phone numbers for almost every Democrat in Iowa, to call them and encourage them to vote.

But with all the campaigns working off the same list, finding the critical first-time voters requires considerable creative thinking. Members of Howard Dean's (search) campaign have asked the former Vermont governor's supporters to work their personal contacts in what they say is a more effective approach than a cold call.

Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt (search) has members of organized labor pounding on doors.

"We bug them until they come out. We just go around knocking on doors and show support," said Team Gephardt member Tim Kelly.

With the Iowa race so tight, the campaigns are now considering any and all methods to drum up just a few more votes.

Click here to watch a fair and balanced report from Fox News' Steve Brown.