Catholic College Won't Allow Student to Pass Out Free Condoms

Katie Freitas, a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Mass., believes the college campus should provide free birth control options to its students, Catholic or not.

But it doesn’t, so Freitas collected hundreds of condoms from family-planning agencies and she began placing them in student dorms around campus last month with the help of some friends, the Boston Globe reported.

The college, which is very much a Catholic school, was not happy about Freitas’ efforts and collected the condoms immediately; telling Freitas the school does not allow the distribution of condoms because it does not follow the church’s teachings.

Freitas, who is not Catholic, said she was concerned about the consequences of not making birth control available to students, and she will continue to keep the condoms in her bedroom for anyone who wishes to use them, despite the continuing debate.

“We’re a very private college,” Stonehill’s spokesman, Martin McGovern told the newspaper. “We make no secret of our religious affiliation, and our belief system is fairly straightforward. We don’t expect everyone on campus to believe with our beliefs, but we would ask people and students in particular, to respect them.”

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