Car Accident Victim Miraculously Grows New Skull

A 72-year-old British man, whose skull was removed after a car accident in the 1950s, has done something doctors never thought he could do — he grew a new skull.

Since the accident more than five decades ago, Gordon Moore wore a metal plate to protect his brain, the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph reported.

But when the titanium plate was removed to treat an infection, doctors were stunned to find that Moore had grown a new skull underneath the metal.

"I was amazed when they told me and obviously very pleased at the same time," Moore told the newspaper. "I've been reassured that everything is fine, but apparently it's very, very rare. They were totally amazed."

In the meantime, doctors are going to perform more scans of Moore’s head to check the thickness and strength of the new bone.

"Everyone thinks it's great," Moore said. "I'm very lucky I suppose. I was told the metal plate would last me for the rest of my life. I never expected this to happen."

According to the report, a skull growing back is so rare there are no records on the number of times it has happened.

Click here to see read more and see a photo of Moore from U.K.’s Daily Telegraph.