Candidates Look for Votes in Israel

In the ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem, rabbis are getting out the vote and taxis with loudspeakers are telling dual citizens where to register.

Mordechai Adler, a 36-year-old hardware importer from Chicago, is heading the registration drive.
He said he's handed out nearly 9,000 voter registration forms.

"The last election being so close we saw that it would be very relevant," Adler said.

In the last presidential election, 80 percent of all Jews voted for Al Gore (search). But breaking from the tradition of voting with the Democratic Party, an increasing number of American Jews living in Israel (search) say they plan to vote Republican.

They argue that President Bush (search) is a strong ally of the Jewish state in its conflict with Palestinians.

The chairman of Democrats Abroad (search) in Israel says the perception that American Jews living in Israel are shifting parties isn't something Republicans can bank on to win.

"Bush has made a very strong effort to get votes among Jews. He's really worked hard. It hasn't worked. Both candidates are strong and support Israel," said Sheldon Shorer.

A quarter-million Americans in Israel are eligible to vote. In past presidential elections, an average 110,000 have.

Click on the video box near the top of this story to watch a report by FOX News' Jennifer Griffin.