Cancer-Free 19-Year-Old Has Preventative Mastectomy

A nursing student, who became the youngest woman in Britain to have a double mastectomy, is speaking out about her life-changing decision.

Hannah Fitzpatrick chose to have the preventative surgery after two of her cousins were diagnosed with breast cancer in their 20s, the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported.

At the time she was 19-years-old.

"The fact that my cousins got the disease so young, plus one of my aunties being terminally ill, really focused my mind. It made the decision for me, really," Fitzpatrick, now 20-years-old, told the Mail.

"I know that I am young, but I would have spent years worrying about falling ill. Now I can look forward to the future without worrying about it. I have no more chance of developing the disease in future than any other woman."

Genetic screening had revealed Fitzpatrick carried the BRCA2 gene, which meant she had an 85 percent chance of developing the condition.

The previous youngest woman to have a preventive double mastectomy is believed to Becky Measures, who had the operation at the age of 24, accoridng to the report.

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