Canadian Bush Bashing a Step Too Far

This is a partial transcript of "The Big Story With John Gibson," Nov. 19, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.

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JOHN GIBSON, HOST: An outspoken Canadian member of Parliament getting kicked to the curb for finally stepping too far. Member of Parliament, Caroline Parrish (search), showing off her anti-Bush feelings by stomping on an action figure doll of President Bush on a Canadian television show. The Liberal Caucus, her party, no friend of the U.S., actually kicking out the troublemaker.

Joining me now, Canadian Consul General to New York, Pamela Wallin (search). So, I guess everybody just — she's the one who got mouthy about the U.S. and President Bush...?

PAMELA WALLIN, CANADIAN CONSUL GENERAL: Yes, it's been going on for a while and the prime minister's issued a couple of warnings. And I think it just was too far.

He just said there are lots of ways, and we all believe in this, anybody — I used to be in the world of journalism, you're still there — if you're in that world, you believe in free speech. And people should be able to express their views, but you don't have to be rude and you don't have to be uncivil. And he finally put his foot down and I think it was a very, very...

GIBSON: Now, what is the level of support for putting the foot down and kind of, punishing her for these just, sort of, over-the-top anti- American feelings?

WALLIN: Well, his entire caucus met with him on Wednesday and said, "Look, we've had enough." So, they were the ones that backed him on this particular move. And he's been very direct.

She also took a shot at the prime minister himself. But I think — it's hard to explain this, because our system is different than yours — but Prime Minister Martin has a minority government, which means he needs the help of the opposition parties to pass his policy agenda and whatnot. By giving up, by kicking off a member out of his party...

GIBSON: He gave up a vote.

WALLIN: ... he gave up a vote, a crucial vote, because he now can't defend against the combined resources of the opposition.

GIBSON: Well, he has a, coming up soon, meeting with George Bush, who is traveling to Canada.

WALLIN: Yes, it's great. This is a visit that was planned and then put off, and this will now be — and I'm really pleased about this — a working visit. They've kind of, set aside the pomp and circumstance and this is getting down to business. This is where we need to be.

We've both had elections; we finished ours in June; you've just finished yours a couple of weeks ago. And everybody gets distracted when those things are on, so I'm really pleased that this is happening. And I think...

GIBSON: So, everybody's going to make nice now?

WALLIN: Everybody's going to make nice. He's the president of the United States. These are our friends and neighbors.

GIBSON: Are the Canadians still stamping their feet angry that the Americans re-elected George Bush?

WALLIN: Well, look, lots of people disagree with some of the things that President Bush does. I'm sure there are lots of Americans that disagree with some of the things that George...

GIBSON: Fifty-four million.

WALLIN: That's right — George Bush does. Everybody's entitled to their opinion. But as I say, that's not how we would want our leaders treated, and we don't want to treat...

GIBSON: OK. Before I run out of time — meanwhile, there's big news out of the Great White North.

WALLIN: Welcome to Canada.

GIBSON: FOX News has been approved to be broadcast in Canada.

WALLIN: You have been approved; bringing all of your...

GIBSON: Why did the newspapers reporting this fact say the abrasive FOX News is coming to Canada?

WALLIN: Because they watch your show.

No, I think it's great. As we discussed earlier, believers in free speech and the balance.

GIBSON: Well, how come al-Jazeera got on before we did?

WALLIN: Well, you don't have the same restrictions that they do. People are actually going to see you, because there are a lot of households in Canada with access to digital.

And I think it is a window. You know my song and dance; I give it to you every time I'm here. The more that we understand about each other, the better this relationship is. Now we're going to see you live every day.

GIBSON: OK. All right, great.

WALLIN: And I'm glad.

GIBSON: Well, I'm anxious.

WALLIN: And did I buy your book?

GIBSON: She bought my book. The consul general bought my book, paid money for it.

WALLIN: I paid money for it because it is my job to understand what you think and what you believe.

GIBSON: Madam consul general, thank you very much.

WALLIN: Pleasure, good to see you.

GIBSON: Nice to see you again.

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