Camera Installed at Home of Missing Toddler Caylee Anthony, More Evidence Released

A camera has been installed at the home where the mother of missing child Caylee Anthony is living on house arrest.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office told neighbors Tuesday that police put up the surveillance camera on a lamp post on Hopespring Drive to monitor any future clashes between the Anthony family and protesters.

On Wednesday, deputies released more pages of discovery in the case against Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony. The latest documents involve check fraud charges filed against her that are unrelated to the missing toddler case, reported.

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Anthony, 22, will appear in court on those charges Oct. 14.

Among the evidence made public:

• Surveillance photos of Anthony allegedly fraudulently using the Bank of America account of her former friend, Amy Huizenga, who filed the charges against her.

• Physical copies of Huizenga's checks that Anthony allegedly wrote for cash and purchases.

It is the third time officers have released evidence in the case in recent weeks.

Anthony's lawyer plans to ask a judge Friday that his client be allowed out of her parents' Orlando house, where she is confined with an ankle monitor, saying she wants to help find the missing child, reports.

The toddler was last seen in mid-June, two months before her third birthday.

Attorney Jose Baez's request comes along with seven other motions, including one asking for copies of forensic evidence from Anthony's computer, phone and digital cameras.

Last week, Orange County authorities confirmed they were now treating the young mother as a suspect in her daughter's disappearance after evidence documents including text message, voicemail and police interview transcripts were released.

Police believe that the missing girl is dead.

Her mother has still not been formally charged with anything related to her disappearance other than lying to investigators and child neglect and has repeatedly told officers she left Caylee with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez and doesn't know where she is.

Detectives say they don't believe her. Baez will ask for all records pertaining to Gonzalez on Friday.

Meanwhile, Baez said through his spokesman Todd Black that the defense's own investigators are out of state getting a photo of the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez who Anthony contends took Caylee, according to

Black says the picture was taken at a park and shows the woman they say is the baby sitter, Anthony and little Caylee. It isn't known when the photo was taken.

Black said Anthony's lawyer has for weeks been trying to find the man who has the picture and after finally locating him, sent a team to interview him.

Click here for a timeline of the case.

Click here for some of the documents released.

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