Busy First Lady

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Check out the pics posted today. Yesterday first lady Laura Bush convened a group to discuss human rights violations in Burma. Since we are shadowing her this week, we were able to bring our cameras into the meeting (see the still pics). We showed some of the video last night.

If you have some spare time, go online and read about Burma and the human rights violations there. You will then understand why the first lady convened this panel yesterday at the U.N. The stories told yesterday at the panel were grotesque. There were stories of members of the military raping women (and even one story about the rape of an 8-year-old girl). Disease is a big problem in Burma and efforts of the world community to bring in medicines are blocked. The stories go on and on and on. Check out the Internet and read about this country and what is going on. Mrs. Bush is outraged... you will be, too.

Incidentally, Mrs. Bush called upon the media to do stories on Burma to get the word out. She said that media pressure will help the U.N. convince military generals to stop hurting the people in this country.

Today the blog may be shorter than usual. Mrs. Bush seems to have me on a short leash so I don't have time to write a long blog. I have to be at her hotel before 8 a.m. this morning to get cleared by the Secret Service and then upstairs to do a long sit-down interview with the first lady. We will show the interview tonight.

It has been fascinating to follow her this week but it has also been a physical challenge. She is busy... very busy. Of course, after I leave her at the end of the day I have to go do my "day job" (the show). I go to the bureau and prepare for the show at 10 ET and then my day ends at 11 p.m.

Today, after my interview with Mrs. Bush, she heads off to see former President Bill Clinton. You read it right. Mrs. Bush is headed to see former President Bill Clinton. He is hosting his annual Clinton Global Initiative in NYC where he gathers people from all over the world to come together to discuss world problems, solutions to those world problems, and to get commitments from people to work towards implementing those solutions.

With all the activities at the United Nations this week and the Clinton Global Initiative, NYC has been chaotic. You can forget trying to get a hotel room, trying to get a cab, or even trying to get around by cab should you nab one. Your feet are the fastest mode of transportation. On the good side, let's hope everyone buries the political hatchets this week and truly works together towards solving the many issues that face the world.

By the way, tomorrow we will interview former President Bill Clinton.

Now for some e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Hi Greta,
While I admire all of the first ladies, regardless of political party, I have to say that it is one job I would never, ever want. I think it takes a very strong, very stoic woman to be first lady... someone who can put up with the public scrutiny of the personal lives of her family with a smile on her face, all the while knowing the very fact that her husband is at times little more than a moving target. Don't get me wrong, I love my country! But much like being a juror, being first lady is a duty I don't want to perform.
By the way, what do you think of FOXNews.com's new look?
Lisa Martin

E-mail No. 2

Hi Greta,
What a memorial for Steve, lots of tears, cheers and laughter. Bindi spoke, and we are so proud of her. I'm sure her dad was looking down at her. Australia has been mourning not just for Steve but we also lost on the 8th of September one of our best racing car drivers, Peter Brock. His funeral was yesterday and of course the memorial service for Steve this morning. I've been crying now for two weeks on and off.
Tomorrow I'm turning 44 years of age and I'm having dinner with my family, and I'm certainly going to have a couple of drinks.
If you have some time, watch the memorial. It was great.
Take care,
Julie Young
Perth, Western Australia

E-mail No. 3

Hi Greta,
I dropped by the Boston location where FOX News Channel was today. By the time I arrived (7 p.m.), "The Factor" had finished taping much earlier, but I got to check out the location of the set. I just wanted to let you know that FNC did a wonderful job with the Boston location! There were lovely banners on the buildings, FNC trucks with huge beams of light on the building. There even was an impressive red carpet on the ground outside the building, just like The Emmy awards. I wanted to get a souvenir from the FNC "fan van" but I arrived too late. Fortunately, the security guard gave me a FOX News Channel gift bag (nothing inside but it has a cool FNC logo). :) I saw O'Reilly through a restaurant window near the set. I wish it were you and Shep there! Anyway, Happy 10th Year Anniversary to FOX News Channel!
Boston, MA

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Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

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