Burn, Taste Buds, Burn

A famous revolutionary slogan may soon be no more than a pitch for hot sauce.

The Smoking Gun Web site revealed Monday that a group of former Black Panthers (search) was seeking to trademark the phrase "Burn Baby Burn," as well as "Revolutionary Hot Sauce," in order to market its own barbecue condiment.

"[Burn baby burn] was a catchy phrase, and I thought it would be reminiscent of the '60s," Fredrika Newton, widow of Black Panther Party co-founder Huey P. Newton (search), told the San Francisco Chronicle Tuesday. "I sure didn't want it to be a call to burn anything other than our taste buds."

Fredrika Newton, original Black Panther David Hilliard (search) and their friend Al Green — not the Memphis soul singer — whipped up the first batch of Burn Baby Burn in Hilliard's Oakland kitchen.

"We have a number of different kinds, and some of it is really hot — I mean, incredibly hot," Green told the Chronicle.

According to the newspaper, "Burn, baby, burn!" was first chanted during the devastating 1965 Watts riots (search) in Los Angeles, which killed 30 people and wounded 1,000 others but which the Panthers, founded in Oakland a year later, had nothing to do with.

The phrase later became part of the chorus for the Trammps' 1976 dance hit "Disco Inferno."

"It's not about violence, but the hot sauce will remind people of the rebellion in Watts and how the slogan came about," said Hilliard, head of the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, which seeks the trademarks.

The quasi-Marxist Black Panthers preached black liberation and armed self-defense, even once marching with rifles on the California statehouse as the legislature debated banning loaded guns in public. The party also provided free breakfasts to Bay Area schoolchildren and worked with similarly minded white groups before it collapsed in 1970 during an FBI and police crackdown.

Newton was shot dead by an Oakland drug dealer in 1989. The other co-founder of the party, Bobby Seale (search), wrote a book in 1988 titled "Barbeque'N With Bobby," and posts videos of himself grilling meat on his Web site.

"The hot sauce is another way to raise money and bring attention to the Huey Newton Foundation," Hilliard told the Associated Press. "We're trying to turn the tide of violence and educate young people through our work."

The foundation also plans to market a "Spirit of '66" clothing line, named after the year the Black Panther Party was founded.

"We're taking those sixties slogans, and we're commodifying them," said Hilliard. "If people are concerned that's a sellout, that's their opinion. We're not selling anything out. We're trying to use our own expertise to support our programs."

— Thanks to Out There reader Don W.

Suspect Beats Cops To Court

YANKTON, S.D. (AP) — A man led officers on a highway chase that ended when he ditched the car and ran into the Clay County Courthouse — where he was already scheduled to appear.

An officer Wednesday was pursuing a vehicle involved in a hit-and-run when the suspect stopped the truck in the middle of the street and backed into the courthouse retaining wall, said Clay County Sheriff Andy Howe.

Then he ran into the courthouse and headed upstairs to the courtroom. The judge in his case had just dismissed the jury as suspect Jada Coover burst in, Howe said.

"It seemed to just get more and more strange," Howe said. "Typically the pursuits don't come right to us as this one did. Officers actually left the sheriff's office and the police department to go assist with the pursuit, only to find themselves right back here."

Officers cleared the hallways and asked people to leave the building.

"He attempted to barricade himself in by holding the door shut, but officers were able to get in and take him into custody," Howe said.

Coover was arrested on charges including failure to appear, felony eluding, driving under the influence and disorderly conduct. He also was wanted on outstanding warrants for possession of meth and burglary tools.

— Thanks to Out There reader Jerry H.

Jerk-of-the-Month Award Winner

WEIRTON, W.Va. (AP) — A man seen grabbing a can of cash meant for a 3-year-old cancer patient later called and apologized, but didn't return the money.

Brandon Michael McLaughlin, 24, of Weirton, was charged July 15 with misdemeanor petit larceny, said Weirton Police Chief Lance Scott.

Clerk Patty Jenkins was tending the counter at a 7-Eleven in Weirton the previous day as volunteers outside sold Slurpees (search) to raise money for Brodie McUmar (search), a local toddler suffering from neuroblastoma.

McLaughlin, a regular customer, came into the store and bought cigarettes while a friend paid for gas, Jenkins said.

The men then headed for what Jenkins called "the Slurpmobile." She glanced up and saw McLaughlin with one of four donation cans under his arm.

"He grabbed the one," she said. "Of course, the fullest one."

Jenkins shouted a warning to the volunteers, but by the time they heard her, McLaughlin and his friends had driven off.

"It was sickening. I just wanted to cry," she said. "How could you be so ignorant?"

Jenkins said McLaughlin later called the store and asked for her.

"He said, 'Patty, I took that can. I don't even know why,'" she said.

Jenkins said McLaughlin told her the can contained $27 that he would return, but he failed to show up.

Donations poured in after a local TV station reported the theft.

"Everybody in town is just disgusted," Jenkins said.

Artwork Stolen With Power Tools

PUNALUU, Hawaii (AP) — A group of thieves went to a lot of trouble to steal a piece of artwork here.

Authorities believe robbers used a circular power saw to cut up a 20-foot-long mural that artist Herb Kawainui Kane (search) created in 1973 in a now-unoccupied building.

Authorities say more than one person must have participated in the theft because the mural, which was likely cut into five pieces, would have been too big for a single person to handle.

If thieves did use a power saw to cut the mural up, that would have required a portable generator, since power to the buildings was turned off.

"It's a very unusual situation. I can't think of any time in the art world where this has happened," Kane said. "It's quite unique."

If someone wanted to install it in his home, they would have to have a special room built and arrange for people to install it, Kane said.

Kane's work depicts chiefs, warriors and commoners at Punaluu's famed black sand beach. He painted the mural inside the Ka'u History Center (search), which has been unoccupied in recent years.

Construction Vehicles Make Bull See Red

GARDNERVILLE, Nev. (AP) — A feisty bull ravaged construction crew vehicles and kept two people dodging horns along a busy highway south of Gardnerville.

The bull, named Red, began attacking vehicles parked along U.S. 395 60 miles south of Reno last Friday afternoon, said Sgt. Tom Mezzetta of the Douglas County sheriff's office.

Mezzetta said a man and woman who apparently knew the bull and its owner roped it with a tow rope and tied it to their truck until the owner arrived.

Not amused, Red pounced from one side of the truck to the other, goring it with its horns as the couple darted out of the way.

While the owner, Michael Smokey of Gardnerville, was en route to secure the massive animal, officers met with four employees of a road crew who said the bull attacked their vehicles, which were parked on the side of the road.

The employees reported that the bull gouged, charged and head-butted the vehicles, causing an estimated $6,400 in damages, Mezzetta said.

The area is classified as open range. The designation protects livestock owners from liability in collisions or encounters between livestock and people or vehicles, Mezzetta said.

Zoo Engineers Pachyderm Jealousy

DALLAS (AP) — Zoo officials have decided a little competition may inspire a male Asian elephant to get into the mating mood.

Fort Worth Zoo's lone Asian bull elephant, Groucho, hasn't sired a calf for six years. So zoo officials hope that bringing in another male elephant will spark a flame between Groucho and the female pachyderms.

"A little competition has been proven to work in the rhino population as well," said Michael Fouraker, the zoo's executive director. "We just need Groucho to get up to speed."

Zoo officials have not yet chosen the new suitor, but will choose one of two elephants from Florida's Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation (search).

One of the zoo's female elephants, Rasha, will pick her favorite from photos Wednesday. Zoo patrons can vote for either Casey or Rajah at http://www.fortworthzoo.com .

The choice will be announced at the end of the summer and arrive at the zoo in the fall.

Zoo officials hope the two bulls will pair up with the five females and create some baby elephants.

Females have a 22-month gestation period and nurse their young for a couple of years. So elephants can give birth about once every four years.

"It's a long time to wait," Fouraker said, "but we're very confident it will happen."

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Paul Wagenseil.

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