Bruce Willis, Chris Kattan and a Monkey Made of Iron

Bruce Willis, Chris Kattan and a monkey made of iron all at the movies this weekend and all in the harsh glow of the Foxlight.

If you're a bank manager, and Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thronton come to your door late at night, would you open it? Everyone in the movie Bandits does or I guess they wouldn't have a movie. One thing they both try to steal is Cate Blanchett's heart. It's basically Bonnie and Clyde kind of movie, and plenty of critics like it — even people who don't admit the ending is worth the price of admission.

Next, is the world ready for Corky Romano or should Chris Kattan put a cork in it? Hey, it could have been worse. It could have been "Mango the Movie." Hey, that's probably in development.

This film has Kattan going to work for the CIA to see what they have on his mob father Peter Falk who should know better according to most reviews. But the title does warn us: isn't Romano a kind of cheese?

Finally, everybody is Kung Fu fighting in a film Miramax wants us to think is another Crouching Tiger. But here's a little inside information. This dragon is actually hidden in your video store. It was made in 1993 under the same title Iron Monkey. They're just bringing it out again at the urging of former video store clerk Quentin Tarantino.