Britney Spears, Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington, Peter Pan

Britney Spears, Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington, Peter Pan and some goofy troopers all in the harsh weekend glare of The Foxlight.

One critic says Britney Spears' film debut is corny but tolerable for the first two-thirds. Then it collapses into soapy teen melodrama, which includes laugh-out-loud moments that rival the unintentional hilarity of Mariah Carey's Glitter. That says it all for Crossroads. But let me add a warning from another critic — with sex scenes and drinking, this is not for all of Britney's fans — especially the very young ones.

Next, Hart's War plays like a greatest-hits package of a broad range of military flicks according to the AP, from The Caine Mutiny and A Soldier's Story to the prisoner-of-war adventures Stalag 17 and The Great Escape. But those are all good movies, and this one? Could be a bigger flop for Willis than Planet Hollywood.

Oscar nominee Denzel Washington looks like he's chewing the scenery again in John Q. Basically this is a PSA against the health care system. Even though the trailer and commercials look interesting, there's nothing subtle about the dad who takes a hospital hostage to get his kid a transplant.

Return to Never Land is a return that never should have happened according to most critics. You hate to pan Peter Pan. So rent the original instead.

Finally, some hit and miss sketch comedy style gags give Super Troopers a few good moments according to AP critic Christy Lemire. And hey, you have to love Wonder Woman in a cameo as the governor. Nice to see her doing something besides selling mail order contact lenses.