British Protesters in Ape Suits Protest Soapmaker

Dozens of Greenpeace activists clad in orangutan suits brought havoc to a soap factory in the U.K. Monday in protest of the clearing of rainforests in Indonesia, the U.K.'s Daily Mail reported.

Greenpeace claims that suppliers to Unilever, the maker of Dove soap, are clearing the rainforests to plant palm oil trees used to make the soap.

Approximately 40 of the ape-like protesters invaded the Unilever factory near Liverpool and the company’s headquarters in London Sunday, disrupting operations for the soapmaker and overrunning production lines, the Daily Mail reported.

The environmental advocacy group said they’re doing their part to protect the endangered orangutans.

“By doing nothing to stop its suppliers destroying rainforests and peatlands to grow palm oil, Unilever is helping to kill off the last remaining orangutans on the planet and massively speeding up climate change,” Greenpeace Executive director John Sauven told the Daily Mail.

Click here to read the full story in the U.K.'s Daily Mail.