Board Says Nurse Drew Teardrops on Sedated Patient's Face, Reused Syringe

A nurse formerly employed by a Maine hospital has had both of his nursing licenses suspended by the Maine State Board of Nursing for using the same syringe on two different patients, drawing tears on a sedated patient's face and failing to monitor a sedated patient, the reports.

Michael W. Hendry is a certified registered nurse anesthetist formerly employed by Down East Community Hospital in Machias, Maine. His two nursing and nurse anesthetist licenses have been suspended for 270 days. A consent agreement, signed by Hendry last week, details the suspension and was made public Tuesday.

Hendry worked at the hospital from October 2006 until his resignation Feb. 4. Formerly of Whiting, Maine, he now lives in Tennessee, the Web site reported.

If Hendry were to return to work in Maine following his suspension, he would be subject to a two-year probation requiring him to notify the nursing board of his employment or entry into any nursing education program.

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