Bittersweet Satisfaction for the Goldmans

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," December 8, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Kim and Fred Goldman are here to go "On the Record." O.J. Simpson will go to prison, possibly for the rest of his life for charges stemming from an armed robbery. Just before learning his fate, Simpson pleaded his case to the judge.


O.J. SIMPSON: I wasn't there to hurt anybody. I just wanted my personal things. And I realize I was stupid, and I am sorry. I did not mean to steal anything from anybody.

And I didn't know I was doing anything illegal. I thought I was confronting friends and retrieving my property. So I am sorry. I am sorry for all of it.


VAN SUSTEREN: But it was no use. The judge sent O.J. away for up to 33 years.

And most of the world knows Simpson was acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Good Samaritan Ron Goldman. Simpson was found liable, though, for the murders in civil court.

Ron Goldman's family has always emphatically believed that Simpson is Ron's killer, and the family watched last week as O.J. was sent to prison. Ron's father Fred Goldman and sister Kim Goldman join us live. Good evening.


VAN SUSTEREN: I guess the question is how do you feel?


KIM GOLDMAN, SISTER OF RON GOLDMAN: Liberated. I feel like for us at least for the next nine years we do not have to worry about him popping up and rearing his ugly head and making his way into our living rooms. And it feels great to know that he is sitting in a small cell somewhere.

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, listening to that tape where he was pleading with the judge, you see how pathetic, and what a contrast to that violent voice in that armed robbery tape.

When he says "I just want to get my property," I think he is so violent in that tape.

FRED GOLDMAN: I look at that, and what I see is just a fake. He is just such a fraud. He has never been sorry for anything he has done in his life.

Maybe he is sorry he got caught, and maybe he's hopeful in that footage, he is hopeful that his moaning and whimpering would influence the judge. But the fact is he committed robbery. He can say anything he wanted. He committed armed robbery. And to suggest he wanted his stuff that is baloney.

In fact, he actually said I'm going to get myself back to keep the Goldmans from getting it.

VAN SUSTEREN: How old would Ron be?

KIM GOLDMAN: He would be 40 this year.

VAN SUSTEREN: It's amazing. We see pictures of him and he is a 25-year-old kid.

KIM GOLDMAN: It's really hard. Once I passed his birthday it shifted for me. It was very difficult for me to think that I am living my life and my brother never got to live his, and my son, who is five now and does not know his uncle and is now understanding that he never got to meet his Ron, and it's very hard for him.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what people may not remember, the thing we talked about before sat down and started this is that your son was a Good Samaritan. All he was doing was returning glasses. It is not like he was any way related to these two, really.

FRED GOLDMAN: He just wanted to do the right thing. And Kim and I have said for years that we wish we had not. But, honestly, that would not have been Ron.

VAN SUSTEREN: This sounds callous, but does it get any easier?

KIM GOLDMAN: For me, I don't break down as often as I did. The pain is still there every day that I'm alive and my brother is not. And, like I said, my 5-year-old is asking questions. And for me looking at my son, he reminds me of Ronny. He looks like him, and it gets more permanent.

I am not a basket case like I was 14 years ago. Especially now having the killer behind bars, it frees up some space and lessens some of the anxiety that we've had.

But we continue to celebrate our lives without having a very important member of our family to share it with us, and it is difficult to reconcile that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, if you had not brought that civil suit we would not be here, because the whole fight is he had to hide his assets. And it seemed like everybody was trying to hide them, claiming who had them. But if you have not brought that civil suit--

FRED GOLDMAN: I think if we hadn't brought the civil suit, and, more importantly, if we hadn't pursued it, if we hadn't been there constantly after him, making him look over his shoulder, making him hide everything, I don't think we would be here today. I do not think we would see him in jail.

I do not think he would have taken that tack that he took because he could have figured he could have gotten it some other way. It that case, he was in the Nevada. He thought if he was in California and went to try to get his stuff we would be after him. But the reality is we were going to be after him no matter where he was.

But we are glad. The satisfaction is enormous.

KIM GOLDMAN: I think he felt us closing in. We've relentless for years. And I think the "If I Did It" publication last year probably pushed him right over the edge. That was his meal ticket.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's the book.

KIM GOLDMAN: The book that we published last year. We took a lot of heat for that, but I feel strongly now that was the right decision.

VAN SUSTEREN: You talk about the criticism about whether you're in it for money. I have been watching for 14 years. I am probably as involved in the case as anyone is, and not for one second did I ever think you guys were in it for the money. Not for one second.

FRED GOLDMAN: I'll tell you that after all these years, the best part right now is seeing him behind bars, seeing him in the courtroom with shackles on. That is peace--

VAN SUSTEREN: But it in some ways completes your job as family members, getting justice for your son, even though this is another case, and everything. But it was provoked because of the civil judgment.

KIM GOLDMAN: It is very difficult. A lot of people ask us how do you do it? And we had to keep pushing. And the system didn't afford us the resources to go after that civil verdict, civil judgment. We were very fortunate to have people that worked in our corner for a very long time, the support of the country, which has been amazing.

And I would hope that any victims that are put in this position, just keep finding that inner strength to keep pushing forward because 14 years later it paid off.

VAN SUSTEREN: I talked to a lot of people on both sides of the aisle, and a lot of people go through real hell on this, besides losing a family member.

FRED GOLDMAN: Absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Kim, Fred, thank you both very much, and I hope to see you again soon.

KIM GOLDMAN: Thank you.

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