Beth Holloway Twitty Updates Greta on the Search for Natalee

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," November 2, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Natalee Holloway's mother just delivered a letter to the Aruban attorney general, asking him to remove the prosecutor and lead investigations on Natalee's case. Beth Holloway Twitty joins us live from Aruba. Welcome, Beth.

TWITTY: Hi, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, it's a long letter. It's signed by you, it's signed by Natalee's father and both your respective spouses. And it's — is it fair to characterize this letter to the Aruban attorney general as sort of a blistering one?

TWITTY: Well, we really just meant it to be a very factual one, and we think that's what it is, Greta. And if it has that effect, then, you know, we're — we're sorry. We're just only — we're just merely stating the facts that we have been presented with and we have witnessed and experienced.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of the letter, the facts that are laid out, and perhaps one of the ones that I would characterize as the most disturbing factor — actually, there are several of them, but one that was — that refers to a conversation with Dennis Jacobs. For the benefit of the viewers, who is Dennis Jacobs?

TWITTY: He is actually one of the lead detectives that has been involved in this investigation since the early morning of May 31.

VAN SUSTEREN: And the question that — let me ask you to comment on it — we just put it up on the screen, but I'll put it back up on the screen — that Dennis Jacobs responded with the following inappropriate question, "How much money do you have?" To whom was that question made, the investigator asking for money, and about what date was that question?

TWITTY: That question would have been made to Dave Holloway, and it probably made on or about the 1st of — I would say the 1st, possibly 2nd of June because it sounds like to me they can't remember exactly, but I believe he and his brother arrived on the island 48 hours after Natalee's disappearance. So it had to have been the 1st or the 2nd.

VAN SUSTEREN: What — exactly what do you — I mean, I realize that you can't get inside Jacobs's mind, but what was sort of the implication, is that if Dave shelled out the cash, that he would get information about his daughter? Is that essentially — I mean, is that how Dave understood the comment?

TWITTY: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. It seemed like that money would cause talking. And you know, that is just the last thing that you would want to say to a tourist, of a father, you know, who's just had his daughter kidnapped on their island. I mean, that would just be the last thing you would want to hear from a lead detective.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has anyone said anything, or has he been confronted with it, anything since this statement? And I guess the reference is in the letter that it was made June 1st. Anything — has Dennis Jacobs, the investigator, said anything further about money or anything said back to him?

TWITTY: You know, I don't know about any discussion of exchanging money past that date, Greta. Of course, there have been so many other things that have happened, but you know, we — it's just — there's so many, it's just too numerous to mention them all, as you can see in this letter. This is just a — probably just a sample of the things that we've witnessed and experienced.

VAN SUSTEREN: There's a long list — a long list of statements in this letter to the attorney general in an effort to get a new team put in place. And let me read another rather long exchange in the letter. And it's about — it's about your lawyer, Helen Lejuez. And this is in the letter, And it says, "On October 20, 2005, Gerold Dompig" — that's the chief deputy — "advised me" — meaning Art — Art Wood, who's your investigator — "that Beth Twitty could not have made a worse choice in her selection of Helen Lejuez as her Aruban attorney. He said that Helen was a former prosecutor who was forced out of that office by mental problems. He made several disparaging comments concerning Mrs. Lejuez which I believe were unethical. He failed to mention that Mrs. Lejuez had represented his wife in a divorce action against him, which may explain his dislike for her." What...

TWITTY: Absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's your thought about that? What's going on there?

TWITTY: Well, I think that he was upset when Helen Lejuez — when we brought her on board. And I think the reason why is Helen Lejuez is a very committed and determined attorney. She does not give up, and she proceeds forward and she's very aggressive. And I just don't think that Deputy Dompig wanted someone like that brought on board.

VAN SUSTEREN: And it also states in the letter, in reference to October 20, 2005, that Dennis Jacobs said on October 20 — he was inquiring whether you, Beth, are a distant relative of Adolf Hitler.

TWITTY: Exactly. That is what we've had to actually respond to. It's just so difficult to even respond to a question like that, Greta, but we have been forced to. And the answer to that is, of course, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, how — do you know how this letter — I realize that this sort of bomb, for lack of a better word, has just arrived to the attorney general of Aruba, but has there been any sort of reaction so far to this letter?

TWITTY: Well, right now, what we've done — since we've delivered the letter, we've also met with 12 members of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association and had a meeting this afternoon, and we are in agreement, these 12 members and myself and Paul Reynolds, Natalee's uncle, with the Prime Minister Oduber and with — with the attorney general's office that we need to — we need to address this. We need to take measures to have a competent and honest investigative team brought on board, and we feel that this letter gives credence to that and explains the incidences, the difficulties that we have had. And hopefully, hopefully, we can proceed forward and see about having a new investigative team brought in.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what's also so obvious is that it's a full frontal attack. It's you. It's your husband, Jug. It's Dave, Natalee's father, and her stepmother, as well. All four of you have signed this letter, and so it's a full frontal attack, at least to get a new investigation. Beth, stay with us. We're going to have much more in just a moment.


VAN SUSTEREN: Just hours ago, Natalee Holloway's mother met with her lawyer and other key players to discuss the next step in the investigation into Natalee's mysterious disappearance. Beth Holloway Twitty joins us again live on the phone from Aruba.

Beth, in this letter that all four of you have signed that went to the Aruban attorney general, in the very early part of the letter, it talks about Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Dennis Jacobs, the investigator, taking a statement from Joran Van Der Sloot. And the statements says, in part, that's reflected in this letter, it says, "I think Deepak" -- this is Joran speaking. It says, "I think that Deepak killed Natalee and burned her body." And then there is the criticism in the letter that there were no follow-up questions, and even that the FBI got frustrated at this point and walked out.

TWITTY: Absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: What can you tell me about when this occurred and details about it?

TWITTY: Well, this would have been early on. It could have been as early as June 11, 12 or 13 because that's probably when the most incriminating statements were being given by these suspects. They were really implicating each other. They were not denying crimes, at that point. They were really into the finger pointing. And I think it was just so frustrating as to -- as it's stated in the letter, the follow-up questions. You know, what should have been asked after that? I mean, something should have been. You just don't leave an interrogation at, Oh, OK.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did Joran sign that interrogation? I mean, I think this -- the way they've sort of done this, at least as far as I know, is that they take statements, they show the statements and then you sign it, if you agree to it. Is that -- I mean, was this a signed statement by Joran?

TWITTY: Yes. These are -- yes. These are signed statements by Joran Van Der Sloot.

VAN SUSTEREN: What does the chief prosecutor say to you when you ask her about that statement, about -- in terms of, you know, what was the follow-up from that?

TWITTY: You know, Greta, I wish I could get a meeting with her. That is actually why I'm here on the island, but I received a letter yesterday, shortly after I had arrived at Helen Lejuez's office, and that Karin Janssen wouldn't have time -- she wouldn't have time on her agenda to meet with me this week. And there -- it's just so frustrating, as this started even Tuesday, before we even delivered this letter, the frustrations that we've had with the lack of communication and cooperation from Karin Janssen and Deputy Dompig.

VAN SUSTEREN: Here's a tip, Beth. She's got to have lunch, so maybe you can have lunch with her and you could talk about it over a sandwich because she's got to have time for that.

TWITTY: That would be great. I would take any time that she had, Greta. I would.

VAN SUSTEREN: What -- in terms of this statement, "I think that Deepak killed Natalee and burned her body" -- were there absolutely no questions about, you know, where the body might be or anything else about Joran? It's just -- just a single sort of floating statement by Joran?

TWITTY: Absolutely not. There were never any of the appropriate follow-up questions. Absolutely not. There was even a statement that was -- that Paulus Van Der Sloot had made. It was in one of Joran's, in that Paulus states that, I hope she's alive, not a big chance for that, and then that's the end of it. I mean, you know, there's -- there needs to have been follow-up questions. I mean, those are just huge black holes in these suspects' statements that were never filled.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, it's sort of interesting. I mean, Dompig, who's the chief deputy, was talking to Dave for a while when he was there just recently. But I think what's sort of -- you know, at least has caught my attention is the fact that all of you have signed this, Dave and his wife, you and Jug have signed this. I mean, so it's a total, you know, united effort on this. Why -- do you have any idea why -- I mean, it seemed like Dompig might have been talking to Dave, and now, of course, this letter is very harsh on Dompig and the others.

TWITTY: Well, it shows that we do have a united front. You're right. And I think that's very important for the officials to realize that we are united. And the communication -- I think that everyone who is -- all of your viewers have even seen the communication, as of a couple of weeks ago, was really coming around. And we thought Deputy Dompig was committed to this case and really going to keep the focus of the investigation on the perpetrators.

But it quickly fell apart, quickly fell apart last week, and the lack of cooperation, not following up on further assistance, not picking up the phone just to make a simple phone call to the FBI in order for us to keep the searchers here on the island and to finish conducting the water searches. And just things fell apart so quickly, and him also refusing to meet with me. We don't know -- we don't know what happened, Greta, but it just completely fell apart.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, the minute you hear back from the Aruban attorney general, give us a call and -- because our viewers are anxious to hear how this unfolds. Thank you, Beth, and good luck.

TWITTY: Thank you, Greta. Bye-bye.

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