Best TiVo Moments; 'The Sopranos' and American Idols

Best TiVo moments, "Sopranos" will they or won't they and Ruben dissed again by Clay in today's Foxlight.

The Emmys are this weekend, but already the people have spoken in the AOL Third Annual TV Viewer Awards (search). Five hundred thousand people think Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc are "Best TV Couple."

OK, there's no Emmy for that, and there's also no Emmy for something called "Best TiVo Worthy Moment" -- when Rachel and Joey hooked up. Is Foxlight the only person in the country who doesn't have a TiVo yet? Last week I just got my VCR to work.

The woman who plays Tony Soprano's wife, Edie Falco, and Stanley Tucci tell Cindy Adams that they are not getting married. In the bizarro world of "Bennifer language" that means they probably are. And here's a nice thought: I don't ever have to use the term "Bennifer" again.

The Associated Press is reporting that Ruben got dissed again by Clay. This time for the American Music Award (search) nominations out this week. They point out that Clay got one, while Ruben was "shut out." But wait, Ruben's album isn't out yet, just his single. Give the big man a break.