Berg Story Getting Way Too Complicated

You're going to hear more about Nick Berg (search) — he is the one who was pictured getting his head cut off his body while alive in that Al Qaeda (search) tape.

His killing was grotesque on its own, but made much worse by the way his killer picked up Berg's head by the hair and held it out to the camera.

The recent news that Berg had a coincidental connection with Zacarias Mousaoui (search) — that the so-called "20th hijacker" actually used Berg's email account on arriving to Norman, Okla... what are the chances of that kind of coincidence?

Zero, probably... and now people are trying to find out.

The FBI investigated Berg over Moussaoui. They investigated him when he was first picked up in Iraq, and they investigated him right up to the time he went missing for the last time.

Now picture this... the FBI in Iraq is aware it has an American wandering around who has ties to Moussaoui. Can't you just picture them scrambling to catch up with him and see what he's up to? Wouldn't you?
But then the biggest Al Qaeda figure in Iraq caught Berg and cut his head off.

I'm not making light of this, but some people think this Berg deal has gotten way too complicated for anybody to continue to believe he was just a do-gooder wandering around Iraq.

Was it his dad's radical, left, anti-war politics? Was it the American spooks, the Israeli spooks? Was Berg a spy, and if it seems like he was... a spy for whom?

That's My Word.

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