Behind the Scenes in Los Angeles

Dear Viewers,

As you know, I have been in LA (now home via the red eye....)  While I was there, I interviewed a number of people for an upcoming special.  The topic of the special you will have to guess, but here is my hint:
#1 picture of Joe Rogan (host of Fear Factor and co-host of The Man Show)

(((As an aside, I received this note about the suit I was wearing on the air Tuesday - the same suit in the above picture with Joe. This was NOT the only viewer who thought I was wearing a lilac, purple or pink suit. It makes me wonder: does the LA Bureau need a new camera or some adjustment? In any event, I am delighted the viewers liked the color...whatever it was in their living rooms!!)))


I must tell you that the outfit you were wearing tonight (4-6-04) was definitely your color! You looked so pretty, younger, and it really softened your face. The heather or "dusty lilac" or whatever that color was looked great on you. You should wear it more often.

Kay Gilmore
Brownwood, Tx

The shows "on the road" this week went well.  We had few problems.  I DO regret one thing: on Monday night I had to cut off -- almost rudely -- the brother of one of the civilians killed (murdered) in Fallujah and the friend of another murder victim.  There was a bit of cue problem as to when the segment should end -- one cue I received from the LA crew was that there was 30 seconds left in the segment and the other cue I received (simultaneously) from New York was that I had to immediately get out of the segment (hard break!) It turned out that the second cue was "right" and thus the very sloppy exit from the interview. Of course, the last people I want to be rude to are grieving relatives and friends!  Immediately as we went to commercial break, I asked the producer in NY to try and reach both guests before they left the remote studios and apologize for me. Why does it always happen to the very guests you DON'T want it to happen to?  If this has to happen, why can't it be when I am interviewing one of my colleagues who would understand?


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET