Behind the Record: Interviewing President Bush

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As you know, we traveled to South America last week to interview President Bush.

We showed you the interview in its entirety on Monday night. As you might imagine, we had to set up for that interview... we did not have a studio. I figured it might be sort of interesting to you to see how it is done — the behind the scenes, etc. — so I shot it with my handycam and it is now posted.

Click here to see it.

After we set up (I say "we" but I guess I should admit that I had nothing to do with setting it up) and before the interview, the Secret Service came in with their dogs and "swept" the area to make sure it was safe for the president. We did not tape that process since not only is it (I assume) confidential how the sweeping is done, but we were asked to leave the room while it was being done.

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