
Australian jockey Dale Evans was suspended Wednesday after conspiring to help female jockey Donna Carrigg pass a drug test by giving her a condom filled with his urine.

Stewards at Callaghan Park in Rockhampton, Australia, said they found Carrigg with the device and a sharpened lollipop stick tucked under the arm of her riding jacket April 20, the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin reported.

Evans denied any involvement in the attempted ruse until April 29, when investigators said he admitted it was more his idea than Carigg's and that he was only "helping a friend out," the Bulletin reported.

Queensland Racing Limited's integrity counsel officer Allison Finlay told a hearing that Evans' lack of cooperation incurred further costs to the organization with DNA testing, the Bulletin reported.

Evans's 18-month suspension is believed to be the most severe punishment received by Rockhampton jockey in the last 20 years, the Bulletin reported.

Carrigg reportedly has appealed the 12-month disqualification she received in the same incident.

Click here for more on this story from the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin.