Attorney for Natalee Holloway's Parents Goes 'On the Record'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," October 2, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: It has been two years since Natalee Holloway vanished during a high school class trip in Aruba. This weekend, we went back to Aruba with Natalee's mother Beth. We attempted to retrace Natalee's steps and look for new information. But we were not exactly welcomed with open arms.

Tomorrow night you will see our interview with Beth Holloway in Aruba and hear her frustration with the investigation into her child's disappearance. John Q. Kelly, the lawyer for Natalee's parents, joins us in New York. John, have you had a chance to debrief Beth on her trip to Aruba?

JOHN Q. KELLY, ATTORNEY FOR NATALEE'S PARENTS: No. I do know I am sorry I missed the trip down there. It sounds like it was rather eventful, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: What you think about her going back to Aruba? I know what she said to me, but was she looking forward to it? What were her thoughts on going?

KELLY: Clearly we discussed it. I don't want to talk too much about attorney-client things, but she had her apprehensions. I had to talk to her a little bit about the possible downsides of going down there.

But the bottom line was this was where her daughter disappeared. This was where the answers are, and she can't be afraid or be intimidated or have any apprehension about going down there. This is where she had to go.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any idea whether or not there is any investigation going on by either the Dutch or the Aruban authorities?

KELLY: I have been told "yes" to both of those questions, that there is a team of detectives in the Netherlands that is still working and a team of detectives in Aruba itself that are still working on this case.

VAN SUSTEREN: What are they doing?

KELLY: I am not sure, Greta. I know you have seen bills from big law firms, and they talk about prepare, review, cross reference, analyze type things. That is what I am told they are doing. I just have a little blind faith.

Hopefully they will come up with some answers, and, if not, I can speak up then, but for now I have to take them at their word and assume they are doing what they tell me they are doing.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is the working theory as to what happened?

KELLY: I think the primary focus still is on the three primary suspects. These are the last people who were with their. These are the ones that fabricate a story, and, obviously, and rightfully so, they are the prime suspects. But we will see where this ultimately leads.

VAN SUSTEREN: You use the term "prime suspects." Has that tag been legally lifted from the three other women? They may still be the suspects by the police, but are they legal suspects at this point in the court system?

KELLY: I believe they still are, Greta. Both have made numerous applications to the court to be cleared as suspects by law enforcement. That has been denied. The court just keeps adjourning it because the prosecutors claiming they still have an ongoing investigation and leads to follow up with still, and I hope they do and I hope they are right.

VAN SUSTEREN: John, there is a tremendous amount of comments being posted on, many of them favorable to your client, but many unfavorable. It is suspected that many of them are coming from the country of Aruba, and I underline the word "suspected," I don't know for sure. But are you surprised that there are at least some people that are enormously hostile to your client?

KELLY: I think the only hostility might come that these people—it is a tourist industry down there, it is 100 percent tourism down there. And when Beth speaks out or when I speak out or people point to something that went wrong down there, they do not like it.

But I have been down there a half-dozen times or more, Greta, and the Aruban people on a whole are really good people. It is just that something bad happened there, and there have been no answers for it coming in.

I do not think that the people as a whole or the island should be held accountable. I like the people down there and I have enjoyed being down there. Unfortunately, the law enforcement has not been up to snuff in what they had to do or the steps they took.

VAN SUSTEREN: Originally the people who were involved in doing the investigation were a man by the name of Van der Straaten, and then Dompig was the next one. Are those two totally out of the picture in terms of the investigation? They're just gone, right?

KELLY: They are gone, and have been for quite some time.

VAN SUSTEREN: And because they retired or moved on, not because—is there any reason they are gone?

KELLY: No. They are gone, and Carry Hansen is gone, she is back in the Netherlands. And it is a new team down there, a new prosecutor who I spoke to a couple of weeks ago.

I do not know if there have been any new developments that they are worth talking about, but they continue to say they are working on the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: They say that, but do they actually tell you something. It is hard for me to think there are "new developments." If they have a narrow theory that it is just these three, and if the original police officers and original prosecutors have moved on, and they say that they are still investigating or doing it, what could they possibly be doing?

KELLY: Greta, I am not quite sure. They are always, without talking about the specifics that have been given to me, there is always additional information that they are waiting for, or things—

VAN SUSTEREN: Like what?

KELLY: That I can't say. There are thing they have indicated that they want that require multiple jurisdictions to participate in to provide to them. But you know and I know two years is way too long, and they should have had it a month later, not two years later.

But, as I said, that is what I am told, and that is what I have to go by for now, because now it is, rather than a cycle of violence, it is like the cycle of in misinformation down there. I've got to rely on what I am told, and I have got to wait until there is a final answer before I can—

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have hope, or do you have confidence that this will be resolved?

KELLY: Neither. I think it is going to take something unexpected, someone who steps forward, or someone who saw something or knows something out of the blue.

I do not think it will be the result of any ongoing investigation either in the Netherlands or down in Aruba. I think it is just going to be pot luck.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think so too. Somebody is going to say something in a bar or something. At this point the trail seems so cold, the only way is if someone says something. People talk.

KELLY: I think that is right.

VAN SUSTEREN: John, thank you, and, of course, watch tomorrow night, you client will be here.

KELLY: Great. Thanks, Greta.

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