Are Your Planets Out of Alignment? Your Health Could Be Too

In order to understand the basics of health and astrology, you need to know which sign and planet correlate with each part of the body or bodily function.

Each of the astrological signs correlates with a part of the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces).

— Aries: Head

— Taurus: Neck, throat

— Gemini: Lungs, shoulders, arms and hands

— Cancer: Breasts, chest cavity

— Leo: Heart, back

— Virgo: Abdomen, digestive tract

— Libra: Kidneys, lumbar

— Scorpio: Genitals

— Sagittarius: Hips, thighs

— Capricorn: Knees, bones and skin

— Aquarius: Calves, ankles

— Pisces: Feet, toes

Each of the inner planets correlates with a sign and a function of the body. The interaspects between planets can show good health with easy aspects, and a possibility of issues or illnesses with difficult aspects.

Each planet represents a function or aspect of how the body functions:

— Sun: Vitality, energy and beating heart

— Moon: Absorption, food sensitivities and the brain

— Mercury: Neurology, comprehension, cognition and expression

— Venus: Glands, veins, ovaries, kidneys and sugar levels

— Mars: Blood, muscles, stress levels and inflammation

— Jupiter: Excesses, fat and liver

— Saturn: Skin, bones, structure, hardening and atrophying

— Uranus: Spasms, nerves

— Neptune: Allergies, deficiency, addiction and lymphatic system

— Pluto: Regeneration, birth and/or death

The relationships between the planets determine the health and stress on each body part or function. The sixth house of the astrology chart also pertains to health, absorption and elimination, and planets or aspects to planets there can show health conditions.

Astrologers track the progress of all areas of life through transits of the planets, and cycles calculated by mathematical techniques known as progressions and solar-arc directions. These will show when a particular health issue is likely to arise.

Astrologers combine the functions of the planets that are aligned with each other to determine how they will affect the body. For example, a difficult alignment between Saturn and Neptune can show a weakening of the body’s structure (bone, back issues) or immune system.

A positive aspect or angle between Jupiter (excess) and Mars (muscles) can show great agility as in a professional athlete or dancer. Mercury aspects can show great intellect and mental agility, but difficult alignments between Mercury (cognition) and the moon (brain) can show difficulties in learning. Hard angles between the moon (the brain, the mother and family) and Saturn (limitation) can show a difficult upbringing and a propensity toward either overwork or depression.

At any time, a planetary alignment can affect someone with difficult horoscope placements in a positive way (as in a cure from illness) or cause health issues or illness to a person with a chart that has positive placements. While astrology doesn’t claim to diagnose illness, it can point out areas of possible concern to someone, maybe even informing them of a problem they didn't know they had.

Diana Brownstone is a certified consulting astrologer, teacher and lecturer through the National Council for Geocosmic Research. Recently, Brownstone edited the popular book, “The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology” by Per Henrik Gullfoss, a noted Norwegian astrologer. Listen to her on podcast at or contact her at