Are Our Kids Safe From School Shootings?

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," October 3, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Charles Carl Roberts, the gunman behind the Amish school massacre, called his wife just before opening fire to tell her he had molested two young girls related to him decades ago and had been haunted by dreams of molesting again. He then shot his victims, all females between the ages of 6 and 13, execution style shortly after police arrived at the scene, then killed himself with a shot to the head as police broke windows to get inside the school house.

It was America's third deadly school shooting in less than a week. We're now joined by former LAPD detective and FOX News contributor Mark Fuhrman, and criminologist and Northeast University professor Dr. Jack Levin.

Jack, let me start with you. Here's a guy, tells his wife, as we just mentioned, that he did something terrible 20 years ago, dreams about doing it again. And, you know, is this someone scared of who he is? What's the profile of someone who goes through this kind of behavior and then at the scene of the crime, at the last minute, tells his wife this information?

DR. JACK LEVIN, NORTHEAST UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: Well, Alan, in most of these mass shootings over the last 25 years, the motive has been sweet revenge. These guys desire to get even with all the people in their lives they feel are responsible for their miseries. And I think that's what happened here, as well.

It doesn't look that way. I mean, you're talking about a pedophile, a guy who had admittedly molested two girls, two young girls when he was only 12 years old.

But, you know, that's only half the story. The question is what happened after he molested these girls? Did he get turned in to the police? Did his parents find out? They say they didn't know anything about it. But you know, what parents would say anything else?

Or maybe he was ostracized by his peers, and he blamed these girls for doing that to him and wanted to get even many years later.

COLMES: Mark Fuhrman, the state police say they have no evidence. They have no record of this. Nobody ever reported such a crime at that time. Could he have even have made this up as some kind of grander scheme?

MARK FUHRMAN, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Well, I think that's probably a better option of we having an actual crime, Alan. You look at this, was this just a fantasy of his entire life? Was he mentally disturbed his entire life? And he was trying to cloak it with normalcy, having a family, it didn't work. Getting married, having all the normal things everybody else did.

We don't know what went on in his head, and unfortunately, he is dead. And I say unfortunately, because it would be good to have a Dr. Levin pick his brain and try to understand so we can identify in the future certain things, certain personality traits, certain troubles that these people have that we might identify a greater problem.

COLMES: Jack, here's a guy who — he releases 15 boys and a pregnant woman and three women with infants. He clearly had set his marks, and certain people were going to be off the hook, based on who knows what kind of criteria.

LEVIN: Gender was definitely the criterion that he used in this case. You know, there's a copycat element here. There's no question in my mind.

You know, just a few days earlier in Colorado, a man killed a young girl, in a rural school by the way, very similar in many respects to the one in rural Pennsylvania. And he also sexually molested his victims. This guy also intended to sexually molest his victims.

You know, I know what Mark is saying and it could be just a big fantasy that he carried around with him all those years. But I really wouldn't be surprised if he actually did molest young girls when he was much younger.

HANNITY: Hey, Mark, you know, I'm looking at the e-mail that this guy Congressman Foley sent. Listen to the story, you know, whether this guy did do these things years ago or had these thoughts of doing these things. And I've got to be honest. I'm thinking as a father how pervasive is this?

Because I think every father out there has got to be thinking how many sick people are out there waiting to prey on our kids?

FUHRMAN: Well, I think there's many more thousands than we even realize, Sean. I mean, we have a serial killer, multiple serial killers working the country at any one time. And then you can multiply that by a hundred or a thousand to how many pedophiles are working children in your cities everywhere, in your rural areas, every place you look.

And I think this is the important thing, Sean. Everybody thinks that when your community is nice, when you know everybody, when everything is tranquil there's no traffic jams. And there's no real crime. There's no homicides, no robberies. And there's no pedophiles.

And the doors are unlocked, the schools are unlocked. There's no confrontation. There's no armed police officers on campus. There isn't a university that doesn't have campus police. But the kids in middle school, grade school and high school don't get that latitude. They do not have the security that they need, because they are naive and they are the target.

HANNITY: Yes. Jack, you had said that, you know, pedophiles normally think that they're doing nothing wrong here. So explain that, because that is just unimaginable, considering the evil that we're talking about perpetrating on an innocent child.

LEVIN: Well, pedophilia is one thing. And that is kind of the love of having sex with an under aged child. It's another thing to kill the children, which is what obviously happened here. And there's a big gap between those two things. There are many pedophiles in society, but we really don't see that many shootings.

Don't get me wrong. We see too many of them but, look, we've got 15,000 murders in this country every year. And, look, a child is safer at school than he is riding his bicycle to get to school. The safest hours of the day are the hours when school is in session. It's after school when the child is unsupervised that they get into trouble.

HANNITY: You know, Mark, one of the things I did some time ago — and John Walsh got me started on this — you actually can pick a neighborhood. In certain states in particular they have better web sites than others. And you know, the sexual registry of people, and you pick whatever community that you may live in.

And you look in that community, and when they identify where the registered sex offenders are. I looked in areas around where I live, it's shocking, the numbers of people.

FUHRMAN: It is even when you do it even in the rural area where I live. You can still identify people that have come from all different states. And if they come from different states they can make up any story why they're there. Even though they're registered a lot of people don't go to that effort.

Sean, you know, we always try to make sense out of things that make no sense. And I think we have trouble with it when they start looking like the next door neighbor.

COLMES: Mark, thank you.

Jack, thank you for being with us once again.

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