Are Male Politicians Prone to Cheating?

This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," March 20, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MEGYN KELLY, CO-HOST: Boy, there's been a lot of political sex scandals lately, haven't there? There's love gov Eliot Spitzer, caught cheating on his wife with a high-priced call girl. His replacement, David Paterson, now admits that he may have used campaign cash to pay for hotel trips when cheating his wife during a quote, "rough patch" in their marriage.

And former New Jersey Governor McGreevey back in court today feuding with ex-wife Dina. He says they had threesomes with a male chauffeur while married. She denies it. What is going on here? Are politicians prone to cheat? Let's ask forensic psychiatrist and FOX NEWS contributor Dr. Keith Ablow. Hi, doc.


KELLY: I'm well, thanks. I find this disturbing — all these men of power, why do they do it?

ABLOW: Well, listen. A couple of reasons. One is it may be that power and the pursuit of power is in fact linked with wanting to have power in all domains including the bedroom. It is also the case that politicians are running. They want to be embraced by the public.

There may be a question as to whether there is an underlying question of whether they are lovable and they may seek to affirm that in every domain, not just the electorate, but even with, well, women.

KELLY: So the thought being that if you run for office, you may have some inner need to be loved that can't be satisfied just by winning the office?

ABLOW: Absolutely right. And after all, what are you brokering? You're brokering in some ways your sex appeal, everywhere, over the airwaves. You want to be embraced by millions and millions of people and that may translate into individual interactions, too. But also, politicians are human, and that may be the biggest problem of all.

KELLY: I don't want to get too deep into the couch here - you know, the psychiatrist's couch, that is —

ABLOW: Oh, come on.

KELLY: But what's the answer? They've got to go to therapy. They've got to learn to feel better about themselves before they can honor their vows or what?

ABLOW: Well, look, I think there are a number of answers. But first of all, I'd give them the same answer I'd give anybody who came to me saying, "My marriage doesn't seem to have enough passion to hold me in it in terms of my passionate relationships."

They can — marriages can, but it takes a tremendous amount of work. I think the underlying issue here is that even more so for politicians, perhaps than for others, there needs to be special attention paid to that relationship, and real attention paid to how do we remain intimately and passionately engaged. Because it's tough after 10, 20 or 25 years and that's a national discussion that hadn't been had.

KELLY: You know, Dr. Laura made some headlines the other day by saying women who get cheated on bear some responsibility for the cheating. What do you say about it?

ABLOW: Listen, you know what? I'm not sure where the responsibility lies. No, I don't think women are to blame because they failed to satisfy their husbands. I think bottom line, it's tough.

You know what? The familiarity - I like to say the moment you start flossing your teeth with each other, it's a little bit harder to look at each other with, you know, stars in your eyes.

KELLY: Interesting. OK, as a newlywed, I write that down and keep that in mind.

ABLOW: Don't floss with your husband.

KELLY: Dr. Keith Ablow, OK. It will be like, "Get out!" Thanks.

ABLOW: Get out.

KELLY: See you, Dr. Keith.

ABLOW: Any time.

BILL HEMMER, CO-HOST: Did he say don't floss?

KELLY: Not in front of your loved ones.

HEMMER: I see.

KELLY: Don't let them see you do that.

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