Are Gift Certificates a Good Present?

What do you think when someone gives you a gift certificate for Christmas?

Actually for any holiday? Your birthday? Your anniversary?

My wife hates it. Says it shows no thought.

Told me that one year just a few days before Christmas when I had already gotten her a gift certificate. That year didn't go well.

I'm curious. Because this has come up again.

Apparently men account for more than seven out of 10 gift certificates sold. Seven out of 10!

My wife says that's because they're lazy. A lot of guys tell me that's because their wives or girlfriends are never happy.

As one buddy put it: "She's still yelling at me for leaving the damn toilet seat up… who needs the extra grief? Gift certificates it is!"

Is it, ladies?

At the risk of sounding sexist, I need to know. Not for me, mind you, my wife has already made the issue painfully clear.

I speak now for confused males everywhere. Who seek only your happiness. And none of your wrath.

Help us. Help you.

Gift certificates.Yes or no?

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