Are Audiences Ready To Bond With A New Secret Agent?

Are audiences ready to Bond with a new secret agent? We find out in the harsh laser beam glare of The Foxlight.

A few weeks back the Foxlight suggested Brit Clive Owen had the right stuff to take over the Walther PPK holster as a new Bond, James Bond. Apparently the folks at Entertainment Weekly agree...sort of. In their new issue, the man behind the wheel in those great BMW Internet movies is just one of their candidates. We know he can drive.

EW also likes Jude Law. We know he has a way with the ladies at least as a robot. But we need someone with real intelligence, not artificial.

EW also thinks Hugh Jackman is a contender saying the Aussie has the same quality as a young Sean Connery. He looks more like a young Clint Eastwood to me. Will that make anyone's day? Go ahead punk, ask him.

The magazine also floats the openly gay Rupert Everett. But as they point out, what do you do for Bond girls? RuPaul?

Ewan McGregor makes the list. We know he can sound like Connery from the hilarious scene in Trainspotting. But he has another franchise force to contend with George Lucas and no amount of Bond gadgetry can un-bond him from that.

Russell Crowe has the right love 'em and leave 'em attitude for Bondage.

But the real deal, according to Entertainment Weekly is 27 year old Christian Bale. Hey, they gave him a license to kill in American Psycho.