Apple Founder: iPod Destined to 'Die Out'

The iPod? Just a flash in the pan, says Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Wozniak, the uber-nerd who built the Apple I computer with his younger friend Steve Jobs in a garage in Silicon Valley more than 30 years ago, tells London's Daily Telegraph that the portable digital media player's days are numbered.

"Things like, that if you look back to transistor radios and Walkmans, they kind of die out after a while," Wozniak says. "You get to a point when they are on display everywhere, they get real cheap and they are not selling as much."

The Woz, who left Apple in 1987 after the corporate life got to be too much for him, also isn't happy with the limited customization options on the Apple iPhone.

"Consumers aren't getting all they want when companies are very proprietary and lock their products down," he says. "I would like to write some more powerful apps than what you're allowed."

Wozniak still owns significant shares of Apple, receives a paycheck and stays friendly with Steve Jobs.

• Click here to read the rest of this story in the Daily Telegraph.

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