Another Do Nothing Congress

Let me see if I have this right:

No final deal on illegal immigration.

No up or down vote for John Bolton at the United Nations.

No up or down vote on extending all the tax cuts.

I could go on, but I won't, because Congress isn't going on.

It's about to wrap things up — days away from campaigning for seats their fannies rarely see anyway.

It's amazing to me just how little gets done there. Two words, guys: time management.

Take it from a soccer mom, who somehow manages to ferry kids back and forth to games, and still help with homework and get dinner on the table.

Take if from working dads, who somehow manage to put out the trash after putting up with god knows what at work.

And take it from working men and women of all stripes, who somehow juggle finances and daycare, and elder care, and all kinds of care.

Now why do I care?

Because it seems Congress doesn't care or, at the very least, doesn't think — about the importance of having a permanent U.N. ambassador or a workable immigration plan.

For the life of me, I don't know why the men and women we elect can't be like the men and women they represent. Because somehow the soccer mom's multi-tasking. I just wish the soccer mom's congressman could.

It's a Republican problem. It's a Democratic problem. It's a big problem.

You know, it "is" possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. But here's the catch: It means at least one foot has to be on the ground and not in your mouth.

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