An Inside Look at 'United 93'

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," April 18, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are not going to land this plane. They are not going to take us back to the airport.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any other option we have?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to die, we're going to die. They're flying this into a building.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a lot of us. We've got to do something.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You see how low we are?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there a weapon? Is there something we can use?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You go back. Stewardess, listen to me. Are you listening?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go back and you get everything you can. Get every weapon you can.


SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: That was a scene from the new Universal Pictures release, "United 93". The movie is the story of the United Airlines flight that crashed into that empty field in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001, after its passengers and flight crew rose up against the hijackers.

Joining us now is the producer of the film, Lloyd Levin, along with David Beamer. Do you remember his son, Todd, who was killed on Flight 93? You remember the phrase, "Let's roll"? And Gordon Felt, whose brother, Edward, was also lost on Flight 93.

Thank you all for being us with. I saw you — how are your families doing? Do you ever recover?

GORDON FELT, BROTHER KILLED ON UNITED 93: We never recover. It's something that was so traumatic I think not only for our families, but for our country.

HANNITY: Yes, very much so.

FELT: But we move forward.

HANNITY: It drives me nuts. It seems like we've forgotten.

DAVID BEAMER, SON KILLED ON UNITED 93: Well, Sean, we relive the day every day.

HANNITY: I know you do.

BEAMER: But our source of hope and comfort is that we're people of faith. And Todd was a Christian, along with many, many others. And that's our ultimate hope.

And one of the great things about this project is that it's a story that needs to be told. And we're so thankful to Paul and Lloyd and the whole team for the way that they reached out to the families to include you us and the way they have done it, because they got it right.

HANNITY: Let me ask you one question about this. I, for the life of me, do not understand, and I know we know about your son, because of the phrase, "Let's roll." Why don't Americans want to remember this? Why does it seem — is it that we've been on a war footing for, you know, four 1/2 years, and it's just tough to be on a war footing that long?

BEAMER: It's painful. The day was painful. The event was painful. I think it's not so much that people consciously want to forget. It's just hard to remember.


BEAMER: But the war is certainly not over. And clearly your last guest had some things to say about the enemy that's still with us.

HANNITY: Lloyd, I'm glad you did this film, I really am. I think people need to be reminded of it. You know what's fascinating to me, is when they were running the trailers to the film in movie theaters. People reacted in such a way. I think this is what movie making is supposed to do. It's supposed to awaken in us the reality of things that happen.

LLOYD LEVIN, PRODUCER, "UNITED 93": I think movies serve multiple functions in our society. They entertain on a lot of different levels. They teach us about things. They teach us about love, and they teach us about sex and they provide escapism. And they also — occasionally movies are made that teach us about history, and this is an example of living history.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: I saw the movie yesterday. It was just incredibly compelling. Not a dry eye in the house. Why did you agree? What I find amazing is that all of the families sat down with the producers like yourself and the director the film and agreed to participate in this and gave it your blessing — their blessing. Why did you decide to go along with this?

FELT: I think it's such an important message. And it's such an important story, a piece of our history. And I agreed to go along with this and to work with Universal on this picture, because I want an opportunity for the world to — to relive the bravery of the passengers and crew of Flight 93 and to memorialize their heroism.

COLMES: Some moments were so — there were some moments you can't even look at the screen.

FELT: And what's amazing about this film is that it's shot in such a way that you actually feel that you're on the plane.

COLMES: Exactly. Incredibly. David, you see Todd saying, "Let's roll. Let's go." That moment, you — what was going through your mind when you saw that on celluloid?

BEAMER: As Gordon said, we're so thankful that the producers reached out to the families to include us in the project. And we did it with hope, with some concern as to how would it really get done. But we did not want the project to go along, capture the history of what our loved ones did without us.

And it was such a sense of, frankly, relief in seeing the finished work that they really had done it properly.

And of course, the way they portrayed all of the passengers, this cooperative effort and this collective experience, including the fact that the passengers are not identified by name in the production. Family members can clearly recognize their loved ones in special mannerisms.

And sure, when the "let's roll" natural is uttered, that's a moment we know happened, and we're certainly pleased that they got it all right.

HANNITY: We wish you the best. Sorry have you suffered this much.

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